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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Uberanwar - 30.07.2015


Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak's statement,

"Malaysia has received news from French authorities about airline debris washed up on Reunion, the French island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar.
Initial reports suggest that the debris is very likely to be from a Boeing 777, but we need to verify whether it is from flight MH370. At this stage it is too early to speculate.
To find out as fast as possible, the debris will be shipped by French authorities to Toulouse, site of the nearest office of the BEA, the French authority responsible for civil aviation accident investigations.
A Malaysian team is on the way to Toulouse now. It includes senior representatives from the Ministry of Transport, the Department of Civil Aviation, the MH370 investigation team, and Malaysia Airlines.
Simultaneously, a second Malaysian team is travelling to where the debris was found on Reunion.
The location is consistent with the drift analysis provided to the Malaysian investigation team, which showed a route from the southern Indian Ocean to Africa.
As soon as we have more information or any verification we will make it public. We have had many false alarms before, but for the sake of the families who have lost loved ones, and suffered such heartbreaking uncertainty, I pray that we will find out the truth so that they may have closure and peace.
I promise the families of those lost that whatever happens, we will not give up."

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - RaeF - 30.07.2015

Well, that's so far from the Route *_*

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Wennicke - 31.07.2015

Originally Posted by RaeF
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Well, that's so far from the Route *_*
Yes, but the water circulation in the indian ocean could've caused some of the debris to move that far.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - magnusburton - 03.08.2015

Originally Posted by Wennicke
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Yes, but the water circulation in the indian ocean could've caused some of the debris to move that far.
Exactly! And as the currents are huge counter-clock wise in the area they could easily have thrown the debris out of the rotation into other lines of current to end up on that shore. I also read somewhere that they found a briefcase on the same beach as that plane debris..

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Potassium - 03.08.2015


Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - newbienoob - 06.08.2015

the debris is confirmed from mh370

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Potassium - 06.08.2015

Even though the families actually got that information a few days ago (it was what I posted and then deleted a few posts up ^), I still don't know how to feel.

The Malaysian government lied and screwed us all around a few times at the start, so who's to say that they're not lying about this to cover up whatever really happened (or the fact that they don't know what happened, if that's the case)?

I'm not going to voice this opinion anywhere other than here because I don't want to upset my poor cousins who haven't slept through the night since their parents went missing and now finally have some closure, but eugh. I don't trust the Malaysian government so I don't know if I believe this yet or not. But either way it's far from over, we still want to know what happened.

The SA-MP forum probably isn't the best place for me to voice my opinion but eh.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - iFoxTheRoleplayer - 07.08.2015

Originally Posted by Potassium
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Even though the families actually got that information a few days ago (it was what I posted and then deleted a few posts up ^), I still don't know how to feel.

The Malaysian government lied and screwed us all around a few times at the start, so who's to say that they're not lying about this to cover up whatever really happened (or the fact that they don't know what happened, if that's the case)?

I'm not going to voice this opinion anywhere other than here because I don't want to upset my poor cousins who haven't slept through the night since their parents went missing and now finally have some closure, but eugh. I don't trust the Malaysian government so I don't know if I believe this yet or not. But either way it's far from over, we still want to know what happened.

The SA-MP forum probably isn't the best place for me to voice my opinion but eh.
I hope your family can recover from this, I'm sorry to hear that you and your relatives were involved :/