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Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Printable Version

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Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - iAnonymous - 16.02.2015

Looking for a scripter to help me with some stuff.
This is some serious shit so, please.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - ProjectMan - 16.02.2015


We are developing a CnR gamemode from scratch (Los Santos). To help us in any way you can, go to the forum in here: and send the user 'pujan' a PM saying what you can help us with. Let's build it together, yo!

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - tomycro - 16.02.2015

i would like to help open a cop's and robber's server(i can pay host monthly)

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - TheSnaKe - 16.02.2015

Looking for a Mapper+ One scripter for my incoming server updates (Roleplay) you will get admin level in-game + forums, PM for full info, peace.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - DukeVega - 16.02.2015



SAMP Admins


Forum Dev's

Web Designer

Why join us?

Xenopixel is owned and run by a mature dedicated team, we have good funding and access to one of SAMP's greatest scriptwriters who is passionate about the Fallout:Roleplay Project we are working on.

XP will be the next NGG or LSRP, we have a very unique and advanced Gamemode in production that will literaly blow away any competition.

Servers are hosted with OVH and we have a "no expense spared" attitude with regards to the quality of our hosting.

Xenpoixel is the dream child of a collection of Roleplayers who have been working on this now for about a year.

Time now to release our BETA game, as Fallout:Apocalype Roleplay is almost ready,
+ WE have another RPG based upon the ALIENS movie franchise, which is about 80% completed and will launch this Summer.

Check out or website and apply on the forums.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Erwin. - 17.02.2015

Zombie Apocalypse (Return)

Hello to all SA-MP community members. I'd like to announce, that the Zombie Apocalypse server is back! The first start was in 2014, march. Then after a while, I closed the server due to my personal inactivity issues. Now I've got the inspiration back to continue running this awesome zombie gamemode for fun!. But for now on, I will need a time, to set everything up. The server itself is of course online, but the website/forums might be created in this week.
Looking for active people willing to become a Server Administrator or Mapper.


• Understandable English. (required) / If you understand and can speak also in any other languages like: Russian, Spanish, Icelandic etc. Then it's a very good bonus already!
• Must be mature. (advisable) / Who will not act like a immature kid all the time.
• Good behaviour. (advisable) / For leaving a good impression to others.
• Administrating Experience. (required) / You must have atleast any experience of being an administrator in the past.
• Experience/Skill in Mapping. (advisable) / If you just want to become server mapper, you must have some good experience and skills in mapping. Me myself, i'm an Professional mapper with experience, so expect me to criticize your works.

If you're interested, then please contact me:

Skype: famevw
IRC Server:
IRC Channel: #sampza

Or just send a personal message here in SA-MP forums.

Thank you.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - ExtremeReality - 17.02.2015

Okay, not sure if I should post here but yeah im looking for someone who can create images which look good for a SA-MP gaming server, we're also recruiting mature admins, age means nothing aslong as you wont troll or piss about, PM or add my skype for more details> rossbysouth

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - hhaaoo123 - 17.02.2015

Looking for a scripter to help me with ammo saving system. I keep getting errors. PM me if you think you can help.

And, I face some saving problems.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Thoma - 17.02.2015


Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - iAnonymous - 17.02.2015

Yes, Already started the server.
Looking for:
-Admins who can spend TIME IG.
-Someone who can give suggestions.

PM me fast.

Server is on hosted tab and hosted by SimplyFrag

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - HydraHumza - 17.02.2015

- Looking For Scripter
- Looking for experienced Admin who can spend time in my server
- TDM server

Pm me Fast if anyone is intrested

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Zombie18256 - 17.02.2015

Alternative Gaming (AGC) is looking for staff to help manage a role playing community. We currently have the following positions open

- Website Staff: WordPress
- Teamspeak Staff
- Server Management (Admins,Moderators,Helpers)
- Scripters: Lead Scripter, Scripter Assistants
- Mappers: Lead Mapper, Mapping Assistants
- Faction Leaders


- Able to speak and understand clear English
- Working Microphone
- Willing to use teamspeak
- Willing to use skype
- Dedication to the work

Please contact me via pm

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Stev - 17.02.2015

I am currently looking for a web developer to give me some advice/ help in creating certain features which I don't have a clue on how to even do them.

Re : Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - slayer101 - 17.02.2015

Forming a Staff Team for GTA United Roleplay and looking for Faction leaders!

Staff Team

Greetings SA-MP Community, our GTAU community is looking for anyone who is willing to be active, dedicated, loyal, trustworthy and very mature to be involved in our team. You MUST have previous experience, great and proper grammar. The list applies below on who we are looking for into our team. We are also looking for faction leaders who have previous experience leading these factions. Or who just want to lead them, same rule applies to being a staff member!

- A certain amount of Administrators to each level assigned. (Head Admin, General, etc.)
- Server Moderators
- Helpers and Advisors
- Mappers and Scripters (Scripters aren't really needed, but we do have positions for them.)
- Forum Staff
- Teamspeak Administrators (We don't need many, just only 2 at the most.)

Faction Leadership

- USMFD is open.
- VCPD is open.
- Hitman Agency is open.
- Weazel News is open.
- Government positions are open.

You can contact me through PM, Skype, our website or even at our teamspeak!

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Younes44 - 17.02.2015

i'am looking for some1 who can Pay me some money to start my COD Server...
You will 2nd Owner on cod server...
if you are interested PM Me

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Write - 17.02.2015

Hi. My name is Trey and I am a former staff member of the LS-RP staff team,

I was a junior administrator there but I retired for IRL issues but I'm back now and I'm looking for a community to administrate, I'm highly experienced, I only mentioned LS-RP because half of the sa-mp player population knows it but I've owned four roleplay servers and I've been an admin on several others.

Also, I would just like to add that if you don't believe I was in the LS-RP staff team you're free to look up Vincenti on their forum, it says that I'm retired and you can PM me there to see if it's me.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - gotwarzone - 17.02.2015

First Gaming Roleplay Hiring Scripters
Contact Me VIA PM

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - tomycro - 17.02.2015

looking for someone with good unique server(all exept roleplay),paying host and im asking for admin position on server.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - gotwarzone - 17.02.2015

First Gaming Roleplay Hiring Scripters
Contact Me VIA PM
26Player Base

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Divald - 17.02.2015

Someone Make me some /viplocker system i really need! with armor,health,weapons!