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Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Printable Version

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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - kaisersouse - 17.07.2014

@Biesman they've found the wreckage already

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Wennicke - 17.07.2014

Getting a little bit nervous now as I have a flight going over Ukraine on monday. Western Ukraine, but only my third time flying.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Danny - 17.07.2014

Originally Posted by Wennicke
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Getting a little bit nervous now as I have a flight going over Ukraine on monday. Western Ukraine, but only my third time flying.
I'd cancel it. I'm serious, if I were you I wouldn't even THINK about getting on that plane.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Wennicke - 17.07.2014

Originally Posted by Danny
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I'd cancel it. I'm serious, if I were you I wouldn't even THINK about getting on that plane.
Go to There are hundreds of planes flying over Ukraine each day.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Kindred - 17.07.2014

Originally Posted by Danny
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I'd cancel it. I'm serious, if I were you I wouldn't even THINK about getting on that plane.
You'd cancel it? You're crazy. Don't cancel it.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - kaisersouse - 17.07.2014

Wennicke at least get traveler's insurance so your loved ones are taken care of if something does happen

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Wennicke - 17.07.2014

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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Wennicke at least get traveler's insurance so your loved ones are taken care of if something does happen
No worries just nervous of flying, nothing is going to happen.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - QuaTTrO - 17.07.2014

Thats sad. Innocent people died for no damn reason. But who shot down the plane? Russians?

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Nazmi - 17.07.2014

This is weird eh..

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Sojo12 - 17.07.2014

Originally Posted by Wennicke
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No worries just nervous of flying, nothing is going to happen.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Biesmen - 17.07.2014

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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@Biesman they've found the wreckage already
It was not confirmed back then. Two/three minutes after my post, it had been confirmed

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Uberanwar - 17.07.2014

Originally Posted by QuaTTrO
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Thats sad. Innocent people died for no damn reason. But who shot down the plane? Russians?
It's not confirmed yet who actually did it, they're still investigating

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - [L]azy[H]aze - 14.08.2014 That Is Interesting.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - RollinBlunts - 14.08.2014

Did they ever find the wreckage? I'm too lazy to go search this shit.

AW: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - ThomasTailor93 - 14.08.2014

They never found a wreckage. It's still missing.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Gogorakis - 14.08.2014

USA did it.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Steel_ - 14.08.2014

Originally Posted by [L]azy[H]aze
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Damn very interesting

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Sting. - 16.08.2014

I'm Malaysian and it doesn't surprise me really. Something is really happening behind the people's back. I don't blame countries. This is one of that Government secret things you know.... like Area 52 which still remains to be unknown. One year ago, not many people knew my country Malaysia, but after the turn of events, now almost the whole world knows. Malaysia from being a multicultural country to a country with missing planes....

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - iNiko - 16.08.2014

Real thing is that it was a alien mystery. Aliens came and hijacked that plane and took it to their planet

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Uberanwar - 17.08.2014

Originally Posted by iNiko
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Real thing is that it was a alien mystery. Aliens came and hijacked that plane and took it to their planet
You watched too many movies