Re: Script Request Thread -
Serbish - 23.12.2008
Wrong message.
Re: Script Request Thread -
Serbish - 23.12.2008
Originally Posted by MairaI
I want [GM] sf Role play
give me plese
PM plese
Want a hot coffee too?
Re: Script Request Thread -
Keita_Miyaoka - 23.12.2008
I wan't to make a scripting team with some good scripter
Re: Script Request Thread -
Commander_Shaw - 23.12.2008
ok what i was wanting to know is there or can someone make me a script. that deals with police commands. like say if i was chaseing someone i don't want to try to tyoe all the info in. so what im asking for is a script that will do it for me. my city is los santos. i can also give you the car ids for it. the /r is what we use to talk in police chat. like so
shaw (/r) is in pursuit (/10-80) of a black Buffalo (car id 402) goin north on market st (/10-20)
Re: Script Request Thread -
max007 - 23.12.2008
Hi... i want to make some easy script but i dont know how to do it..
I have gates witch can be now opened by commands... but i want a script witch will tell them that IF admin comes to an area (z,y,x) open, ifnotadmin then do nothing and when admin go to second area behind a gates they will close... u know what i mean?
Sorry for my english
I was blind sorry xD
Re: Script Request Thread -
anthem - 26.12.2008
I have almost no scripting ability but I am trying to get my Roleplay server off the ground.
If you can help with scripting add me at and I will send you the scripts for you to work on. I cannot pay with cash but I will give out admin and anything else that you might want.
Re: Script Request Thread -
Serbish - 26.12.2008
Originally Posted by anthem
I have almost no scripting ability but I am trying to get my Roleplay server off the ground.
If you can help with scripting add me at and I will send you the scripts for you to work on. I cannot pay with cash but I will give out admin and anything else that you might want.
Money or nothing, that's what here is used normally.
If we script for you the whole script and then you make us admin, what we have from it?
If we script a gamemode why we should give it to you to make you us admin if we can be admin alone,
do you understand?
Re: Script Request Thread -
paul1337noob - 26.12.2008
hi what im looking for doing is removing tags from peoples names when they connect
[TAG]Paul >> Paul
before it would kick them and tell them to change there name, but then they wouldnt rejoin.
so im looking instead to remove the tags from there name especially scince alot of them are server tags to advertise there servers.
and i cant work it out, so we did it with the irc echo and !setname with an mIRC script
but obviously i cant be in irc all the time, so still there was the problem.
Re: Script Request Thread -
x-cutter - 26.12.2008
Originally Posted by MairaI
I want [GM] sf Role play
give me plese
PM plese
God Mother SF RP ? Lol
Re: Script Request Thread -
DMSOrg - 26.12.2008
I'd like a script that would make it so you can not wield a second weapon (like instead of dual tec9s you can only have one tec9)
If you would like to keep the code private you can pm me or email me at js120 [@] or admin [@]
sorry for the brackets, ive been recieving alot of spam from the freaking "Nigerian National Lottery" and some dudes from like Iran that are like all pore and junk trying to get my adress claiming that I have recieved an inheratince so they can freaking loot my house...
Re: Script Request Thread -
Dreftas - 27.12.2008
Is it possible to make script which removes player float ? I tried
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,1); but it worked(removed float) just 2 or 3 times, and now doesnt work :/ Any suggests?
Re: Script Request Thread -
introzen - 27.12.2008
I need some help to make /onduty so that if you type /onduty. You'll get the skin for your Rank in your faction. And if you type /offduty, you'll get the skin you had before /onduty. Also, those commands shall only be able at
onduty = CreatePickup(1239, 23, 366.3649,192.7468,1008.3828); // Inside LV City Hall to the first right room.
Re: Script Request Thread -
Flo_White - 27.12.2008
when somebody types a commd (ex. /home) how can i scrpt it that everybody sees that he typed this cmd
"xy went to /command"
please help me
Re: Script Request Thread -
ysohnul - 27.12.2008
What: a pilot license system, where people have to pass several tests to obtain the pilot license (like the flying school in GTA SA singleplayer)
Kind: prefer Filterscript, but other ways are also fine.
Re: Script Request Thread -
Flo_White - 28.12.2008
I'D have a script, when you're in a speciefic car and the car health goes under a speciefic health that you should get a message
i made this:
for(new v=0; v<MAX_VEHICLES; v++)
if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,1) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,2) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,3) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,4) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,5) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,6) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,7) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,8) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,9) || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,10))
new Float:health;
GetVehicleHealth(v, health);
if (health <= 999)
return 1;
but doesnt work :/ please help me
Re: Script Request Thread -
Bodo4you - 28.12.2008
Could some1 help me whit a /do cmd
If you play on rp servers you know what it is for
Re: Script Request Thread -
Burridge - 28.12.2008
well i plan on making a completely new rp server.
i need a scripter.
the scripter gets owner along with me.
if You are interested. please get hold of me at
Re: Script Request Thread -
Dreftas - 29.12.2008
What write in script, that everyone see deaths window ?
Re: Script Request Thread -
LarzI - 29.12.2008
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
SendDeathMessage(playerid, killerid, reason);
Re: Script Request Thread -
introzen - 29.12.2008
Can someone explain to me, how i make a faction with: gTeam
And how to add ranks with a special class to the faction, so when you type /login you will spawn at the Faction spawn location with the Class for your Rank.
And how to make a Leader that can do /invite /uninvite /giverank [1-6] [male/female] ?