hoo ok and for the GetAdminName thing, you mean this >
pawn Code:
stock GetAdminName(playerid) { new adminname[128]; switch(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel]) { case 0: adminname = "0"; case 1: adminname = "Moderator"; case 2: adminname = "Administrator"; case 3: adminname = "Management"; case 4: adminname = "Owner"; } return adminname; }
no, put this on the bottom of the script....
stock GetAdminName(playerid) { new adminname[128]; switch(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel]) { case 0: adminname = "0"; case 1: adminname = "Moderator"; case 2: adminname = "Administrator"; case 3: adminname = "Management"; case 4: adminname = "Owner"; } return adminname; } |
has kicked . Reason: testing the command
Got it! if doesn't work i'll let you know. (Wait for you +rep )
EDIT: I tested the command with my own ID and didn't show the names just the reason. It looked like this > Code:
has kicked . Reason: testing the command |
stock PlayerName(playerid) { new CName[24]; GetPlayerName(playerid, CName, 24); return CName; }
Can someone make this?
http://www.part.lt/perziura/61801429...d34cb07860.png This board show current speed |
if(!strcmp(tmp, "/tow", true))
new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new Float:pX,Float:pY,Float:ppZ;
new Float:vX,Float:vY,Float:vZ;
new Found=0;
new vid=0;
if((floatabs(pX-vX) < 7.0) && (floatabs(pY-vY) < 7.0)&& (floatabs(ppZ-vZ) < 7.0) && (vid != vehid))
AttachTrailerToVehicle(vid, vehid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, "<!> "COL_WHITE"There is no car in range.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, "<!> "COL_WHITE"You must be in a vehicle to do this.");
return 1;
return 1;
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
new finalstr[128+MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str3[3];
format(finalstr, sizeof(finalstr), "%s", text);
new startpos = strfind(finalstr, "id", true), len=0;
if(startpos != -1)
for(new i=0;i<3;i++) if(finalstr[startpos+2+i] >= 48 && finalstr[startpos+2+i] <= 57) len++; else break;
if(len > 0)
strmid(str3, finalstr, startpos+2, startpos+2+len);
new temp[5];
format(temp, 5, "id%s", str3);
strreplace(finalstr, temp, PlayerName(strval(str3)));
SendClientMessageToAll(0xffffffff, finalstr);
else SendClientMessageToAll(0xffffffff, text);
else SendClientMessageToAll(0xffffffff, text);
else SendClientMessageToAll(0xffffffff, text);
return 0;
stock PlayerName(playerid)
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
return name;
stock strreplace(string[], const search[], const replacement[], bool:ignorecase = false, pos = 0, limit = -1, maxlength = sizeof(string)) {
// No need to do anything if the limit is 0.
if (limit == 0)
return 0;
sublen = strlen(search),
replen = strlen(replacement),
bool:packed = ispacked(string),
maxlen = maxlength,
len = strlen(string),
count = 0
// "maxlen" holds the max string length (not to be confused with "maxlength", which holds the max. array size).
// Since packed strings hold 4 characters per array slot, we multiply "maxlen" by 4.
if (packed)
maxlen *= 4;
// If the length of the substring is 0, we have nothing to look for..
if (!sublen)
return 0;
// In this line we both assign the return value from "strfind" to "pos" then check if it's -1.
while (-1 != (pos = strfind(string, search, ignorecase, pos))) {
// Delete the string we found
strdel(string, pos, pos + sublen);
len -= sublen;
// If there's anything to put as replacement, insert it. Make sure there's enough room first.
if (replen && len + replen < maxlen) {
strins(string, replacement, pos, maxlength);
pos += replen;
len += replen;
// Is there a limit of number of replacements, if so, did we break it?
if (limit != -1 && ++count >= limit)
return count;
.pwn(2025) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype .pwn(2025) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype .pwn(2025) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype .pwn(2025) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
stock strreplace(string[], const search[], const replacement[], bool:ignorecase = false, pos = 0, limit = -1, maxlength = sizeof(string)) {
CMD:color(playerid, params[])
if( sscanf( params, "iii", iR, iG, iB ))
return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFFFF00AA, "[USAGE] {FFFFFF}/color [Red] [Blue] [Green] (Values 0 - 255)" );
if(( 256 <= iR <= -1 ) || ( 256 <= iG <= -1 ) || ( 256 <= iB <= -1 ))
return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFFFF00AA, "[USAGE] {FFFFFF}/color [Red] [Blue] [Green] (Values 0 - 255)" );
iR &= (( 0xFF << 16 ) | (( iG & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( iB & 0xFF ));
SetPlayerColor( playerid, iR );
return true;
szMessage[ 128 ], // We need another string to be able to fit the name and ID of the reporter,
szName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1 ]
Missed a comma on the previous line
pawn Код:
lol and I didn't notice that :P well thanks anyways! +REP
EDIT: it doesn't work for MySQL, the server closes when ever someone uses the cmd. |