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Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Printable Version

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Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - XBrianX - 14.09.2016

Or if you have a bathroom in your bedroom like me you won't have a problem xd

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Jstylezzz - 14.09.2016

Nope, only time I really use my phone for music (or any other phone audio) it's connected to my car's Bluetooth haha When I'm at home I either use my pc or laptop to listen to music. I find it a very brave change from Apple's side, someone had to do it eventually. Although I'm sure that when I have the iPhone 7, there will be a point where I want to use the jack for a change, but it won't be there hah.

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - TakeiT - 14.09.2016

I mean, I can see adding all these new options (lightning earbuds, wireless etc) and phasing out the headphone jack over the next few years, but the majority of people still use 3.5mm audio, too early.

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Vince - 14.09.2016

Originally Posted by Jstylezzz
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I find it a very brave change from Apple's side, someone had to do it eventually.
You only start to phase out something if that something isn't used anymore by the majority of the population, and only if you have a proper alternative.

But because it's Apple, it's "innovation".

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Calgon - 14.09.2016

Originally Posted by Jstylezzz
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I find it a very brave change from Apple's side, someone had to do it eventually
I'm sorry, but you are an idiot. Vince perfectly summed up why.

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Jstylezzz - 14.09.2016

Originally Posted by Vince
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You only start to phase out something if that something isn't used anymore by the majority of the population, and only if you have a proper alternative.

But because it's Apple, it's "innovation".
It's not 'innovation' because it's Apple. I don't really get where that came from lol, if Samsung or any other brand would've done it my opinion wouldn't change. I never use the jack, I don't care.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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I'm sorry, but you are an idiot. Vince perfectly summed up why.
Thanks, much love.

Look, don't get me wrong, I completely understand why people have issues with this. I never said I didn't agree with those issues, the only thing I stated is that it doesn't make any difference for me whether they keep the jack or not, and that eventually there will be a company that does it (removing the jack thing). In this case it was Apple. Also, by a brave change I meant that it was a pretty risky choice they made since that jack is the thing everyone sticks their earplugs/headphones in.

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - KingHual - 14.09.2016

Originally Posted by Jstylezzz
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It's not 'innovation' because it's Apple. I don't really get where that came from lol, if Samsung or any other brand would've done it my opinion wouldn't change. I never use the jack, I don't care.
How do you listen to music from your phone?

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Jstylezzz - 14.09.2016

Originally Posted by KingHual
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How do you listen to music from your phone?
All Bluetooth, my cats kept eating my cables lol

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Threshold - 15.09.2016

How ever will the hoons of our streets be able to blast doof doof while performing their max doughies? R.I.P. Aux.

Sure, I have a large bluetooth speaker because I found it much easier to play music in my room, but it's too loud so I can't play anything past 10pm... I don't know how you could possibly function without a jack for your phone. Not to mention you'd look as gay as AIDs when wearing these new wireless toothbrushes.

Re: Do you use 3.5mm headphone jack on your phone? - Crystallize - 15.09.2016

I find it funny how every topic opened in this section turns into flame war.