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Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Redirect Left - 13.07.2012

Originally Posted by Jakku
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Not to be rude or anything but new updates are being released way too fast and they actually provide nothing that\'s really useful
How much of an ungrateful twat can you be.

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - DiDok - 13.07.2012

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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I find security patches incredibly useful, as does any respectable and competent server administrator.
Yep, the more the better, and server patches doesn\'t require too many hassle so I\'d love to see them even every week

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - FUNExtreme - 13.07.2012

Originally Posted by Jakku
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Not to be rude or anything but new updates are being released way too fast and they actually provide nothing that\'s really useful
Originally Posted by Redirect Left
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How much of an ungrateful twat can you be.
This! ^

Be happy that security is a priority above new features instaid of whining!

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Dubya - 13.07.2012

Thanks for the update. Will a client be added with this?

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - davve95 - 13.07.2012

Thanks alot Kalcor!

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Kiets - 13.07.2012

Originally Posted by Dubya
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Thanks for the update. Will a client be added with this?
This is for servers only.

AW: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - LadyNyuuu - 13.07.2012

Wonderfull, Thank you Kalcor and the SAMP Team.
The Chatlogging CVar is good for servers over 100 players where debug messages cant be readed because of "[Chat]" spam.

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - cyber_punk - 13.07.2012

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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I find security patches incredibly useful, as does any respectable and competent server administrator.
Indeed Those bot attacks were getting rather tiring.

Thanks Kalcor/Samp Team.

Re: AW: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - DiDok - 13.07.2012

Originally Posted by LadyNyuuu
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The Chatlogging CVar is good for servers over 100 players where debug messages cant be readed because of "[Chat]" spam.
Make DEBUG: or something before every debug logging, then search for this phrase in logs, easier
Still this is useful for people who log chat to databases anyway and don't need daily dose of eg. 100mb server.log file :P

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Jakku - 13.07.2012

People understood me absolutely wrong, and just to tell you that I wasn't whining but telling my opinion, or was it disallowed by the rules of the forum?

I was trying to say that instead of releasing two updates in a month, releasing ONE major update that includes all the minor stuff so we wouldn't have to update the server files all the time (especially when client updates are required). This is how it used to be a year, two years ago or do you think I am wrong? Sorry for making you all mad, that is just my opinion. And also I never said that security isn't important. How hard it can be to understand?

Have a nice day!

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Toreno - 13.07.2012

It doesn't matter as long as we get these updates.

Thank you, Kye.

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Scott - 14.07.2012

Originally Posted by Jakku
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People understood me absolutely wrong, and just to tell you that I wasn't whining but telling my opinion, or was it disallowed by the rules of the forum?

I was trying to say that instead of releasing two updates in a month, releasing ONE major update that includes all the minor stuff so we wouldn't have to update the server files all the time (especially when client updates are required). This is how it used to be a year, two years ago or do you think I am wrong? Sorry for making you all mad, that is just my opinion. And also I never said that security isn't important. How hard it can be to understand?

Have a nice day!
This is an optional update, no one is making you update.

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - G-Mac_x3 - 14.07.2012

Really Nice Update Kalcor. Good Job but can we hope of the Next Version 0.4 ? Everytime the version don't get more than 0.Xe or R2?
Really Good Job
Well maybe would be a function which updates the Server.exe etc automatically.

AW: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - NetKiel - 14.07.2012

Originally Posted by G-Mac_x3
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Everytime the version don't get more than 0.Xe or R2?
0.3a had a R8

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - PawnFox - 14.07.2012

Pretty nice updates!

Thanks Kalcor / Development team

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Night Dreamer - 14.07.2012

almost every time server is restart I get banned, fix it damned!!!

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Patrik356b - 14.07.2012

Is it just me or do you actually have a higher risk of getting the well known "Your banned from this server" bug with this release?

It seems so anyway.

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Kyle - 14.07.2012

Originally Posted by Patrik356b
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Is it just me or do you actually have a higher risk of getting the well known "Your banned from this server" bug with this release?

It seems so anyway.
I noticed this on restarts.

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Mauzen - 14.07.2012

Gamemode restarts seems to be quite stable, but closing and reopening the server now works just very rare, mostly it doesnt connect at all, or ends in the banned problem.

Re: SA-MP 0.3e R2 server update - Kar - 14.07.2012

Yea I never got that banned problem in 0.3e R1 at all, but my second restart in R2 and I got ;\