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Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Printable Version

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Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - ShaneOvSina - 13.02.2014

I'm starting my own scavenging server and would like if someone would help me add item location all over San Andreas.
Your name will be credited

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - [Twixx] - 13.02.2014

Offering professional mapping services for relatively cheap payment. Anything ranging from interiors, exteriors, whole new islands and cities.

Some of my work can be seen in my showroom in my signature.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - TheSnaKe - 13.02.2014

Looking for someone to help you with suggestions,maps or looking for a Co-owner for your server? I'm here experienced person in Heavy RP servers, if you want leave me a pm.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - iConvict - 13.02.2014

Looking to open up a heavy role-play server but in need of a script willing to make you owner along with myself can already guarantee ten players + before server opening.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - BodyBoardVEVO - 13.02.2014

Hello, SA-MP members!
I would like to announce that we, San Fierro Cops And Robbers, are working on very great server, and after release we are 100 percent sure it will receive nice playerbase. But its not enough, we need more peoples in our team.


- Scripters
- Investors
- Testers
- Who will create IRC channel and everything else related with IRC

Sent me a PM.

Regards, BodyBoardVEVO !

Re : Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Wacer - 13.02.2014

Hosting a free server.. for more info, Send me a PM here or concat me in skype: Chopper4587

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - SniperArmy - 13.02.2014

If you want to become a mapper for the SWAT4SAMP stunt server,
you can apply by added me on skype and wait for further instructions.
NOTE: If we decide to accept your map('s) then your name will be added to the credits and you will get VIP For a few ammount of days and maybe you will get an admin level.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - gotwarzone - 13.02.2014

Looking for a Script Skype Mahmoud.belazi1 for more information

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - UnClear - 13.02.2014

Looking for Donators

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - TheSnaKe - 13.02.2014

I'am willing to help someone who is going to start Hosted RP server, i can help you with some maps, some scripts and some suggestion for the server etc and we can work together in the gamemode, all this for free, Just you have to give me Admin level in the server for sure .If you want me, leave me a PM, thanks.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - iConvict - 14.02.2014

South Central Roleplay has recently just came back & we are in need of more people for the project if you wish to take part please visit our teamspeak

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - slayer101 - 14.02.2014

Building a Staff Team to help carry out the server!

Currently looking for Polite and Professional Administrators for the server, they have to be very dedicated as I am toward the server, they have to be active and willing to sacrifice some of their time to help out.

If you're interested you can join our teamspeak for information or questions, our server IP and teamspeak IP can be found below in my signature!

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - TheSnaKe - 15.02.2014

I'm looking for a scripter that can help me with house system and business system , because at the moment am working on a new RP project. You will get Owner rank and admin on forums. Thanks.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Swift104 - 15.02.2014


Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - iChiCkeNBuTT - 15.02.2014

Hello guys,

I am still looking for a great TDM script to host, i already got 50 slots and hosted tab. Please contact me soon as possible if you like to run a server with me. I can keep the server Alive so don't worry about it.

Please contact me for more information by skype: hasitha_kaumudi

Thank you.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - r3ct - 15.02.2014

Looking for a dynamic housing system saving with mysql r5 by blueg must be done fast. PAYING GOOD private message me for more information.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - -Shifty- - 15.02.2014


Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - rocker3410 - 15.02.2014

I'm offering a 35 slot with mysql to anyone who needs it. i want co-owner status.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - [rG]Cold - 15.02.2014

Looking for FREE OF CHARGE mappers for a Demolition Derby server!

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - gotwarzone - 15.02.2014

Looking for a Good Scripter Skype:mahmoud.belazi1 i will Pay