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Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Printable Version

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Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - HNIC - 11.12.2018

Downtown Roleplay is an upcoming heavy roleplay. We are looking to provide the players one of a kind experience, something they have never seen. We are currently looking for a professional developer who can be trusted. We canґt pay you, but you will get to be part of the admin team on a roleplay with one of the best communities!

Contact me on Discord: Rogify#2095
Join our Discord server:
Our website:

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - priyanshu - 12.12.2018

i need help to make a cmd /vsearch i maked it but somthing error there vehicle name and quntity does not come help me in making it


//-----------------------------[ vsearch By Priyanshu]--------------------------

CMD:vsearch(playerid,params[]) {
new tmp[128],Index,car;
tmp = strtok(params,Index);
if(isnull(tmp)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "{00FF00}USAGE: {00FFFF}/vsearch [Vehicle Name/Model]"); //you need to remove the error - isnull
if(!IsNumeric(tmp)) car = GetVehicleModelIDFromName(tmp); else car = strval(tmp); //if you get error from this line copy the code mentioned below (GetVehicleIDFromName(vname[])) and (isnumeric(string))
if(car < 400 || car > 611) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "ERROR: Invalid Vehicle Model");
new modelid,tcars,vbuya,vb,vunb,i,msg2[256],msg1[100];
if(GetVehicleModel(i) == modelid)
if(VehicleInfo[i][Temp]==1) continue;//change(Temp) if your gamemode sets temporary vehicles in different way
else if(VehicleInfo[i][bought]==1)vb++;
else if(VehicleInfo[i][bought]==0)vbuya++;
format(msg2,256,"{FFFFFF}(%d){FFFF00}Free '%s' {FFFFFF}|| (%d){00FF00}Bought '%s' ",vbuya++,vb++);
format(msg1,100,"{FFFFFF}Searched Vehicle",VehicleName[modelid-400]); //you must define VehicleName function. If you dont have, i have mentioned below
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, msg1, msg2, "Close", "");
return 1;

this is my command but its have problem it not shows the car name and no. of cars

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - TheLeech - 30.12.2018

Hi, After a long time I have decided to fully come back to the sa-mp community. I am planning on creating my own server or joining a server as a developer.

You may search me up on ******* to see my work, Account name Jueix.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Droxx - 30.12.2018

Call of Duty World War IV is currently looking for a second scripter (will work with iAmir), active administrators, mappers, helpers..
The server with 30+ players daily..

Contact me if you are interested, there are a few steps you should do before taking any job.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - GurumiYT - 02.01.2019

I'm looking for a developer who's free to help us on a roleplay server. Feel free to contact me through discord if you are down for it.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - cluckernine50 - 02.01.2019

Hiring web developers for a gaming community, PM me on Discord @ Jeff ! #3241 or email me

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - SonnyGamer - 02.01.2019

Searching Admins for Hosted Tab server.
Inform me about your in-game nickname here at samp forums, to confirm that you really were from sa-mp forums.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - ghazitarazi - 02.01.2019

Looking for a great server with new script and ill be adding server on host tab for a month to see how things go

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - mryoso - 02.01.2019

Looking for Scripter Cops and robbers... i want create my own server but i dont have gamemode cnr
i need unique script and gamemode... i want pay money who can help me??

PM me here or Discord mryoso#1782

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Cr4z3 - 02.01.2019

Looking to build a new roleplay community. I need of a lead developer/scripter. This is no amateur position. I'm looking for someone who is really experienced in scripting. This is a PAID position and will be paid accordingly. I'm looking to create a new roleplay community which will hopefully go to new heights.

PAID position. Experienced scripters only. PM me for more info.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - GurumiYT - 03.01.2019

If there any experienced developer here willing to work in our community, let me know if anyone's serious please.
Discord - Gurumi#9576

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Logic_ - 03.01.2019

If anyone is interested in mapping for a DM server to do small projects, please contact me on PM here with your Discord handle or you may join our Discord server (

Thanks for reading.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - denNorske - 28.01.2019

xSF suddenly stands without a mapper. Will you be our next one?

We are looking for a dedicated (permanent) mapper for our community. After having a talented mapper that had to quit, we are suddenly left without anyone to help us map for special events or occations. We hope to bring in a new talent very soon.

What will the mapper do?
- Provide updates / renewals to existing maps
- Create new maps and areas when needed
- Consider and judge maps to be removed
- Work independently and get variated tasks

A few requirements
- We expect you to have knowledge to texture your creations. It gives the "extra" completeness.
- You should have previous knowledge, hopefully within the freeroam/stunt area
- Be able to deliver maps within deadlines when this is necessary (events and for periods such as easter, christmas ++)
- Should be capable of making own decisions, as well as sharing/including staff members in the process.
- Use discord for daily interaction.

PS: Being a mapper does not introduce you to the staff team.

If you feel interested in such an opportunity, make sure to contact me directly on Discord. Please introduce yourself and why you contact me.
Help us build xSF and refresh what xSF stands for.

You can find me as: denNorske#6741

Have a pleasant day,

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Shady - 28.01.2019

If anyone is interested in mapping for a roleplay server that is still under development, please contact me on Discord — Shady#7148 — or you may join our Discord server (

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Evander - 29.01.2019

Looking to gather a group of individuals who are prepared to be apart of a upcoming heavy role-play server. Serious inquires only.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - whadez - 29.01.2019

[Webdeveloping Service]

Hello guys, I got some spare time apart from my job (I'm working full-time as a Full stack Webdeveloper), I could take in couple of small projects that I could do in my spare time. (1-2 hour / day approximately). If you want to have an UCP for your server, or you have any other web related idea (I will not create forums, only custom development) then dm me on Discord. Before DM-ing me, I dont work for free. My working fee for an entire UCP should be somewhere inbetween Ђ80 - Ђ200 (quality work). Please underage kids without money, dont bother texting me. I won't create a website for permissions on your server.

Stack: PHP (OOP), Laravel, Lumen, SlimPHP, SQL, LUA, PAWN, Javascript, JQuery, Vue.JS, CSS, HTML, DevOps, XDebug, Linux, SEO, PayPal, Barion, Git.
Discord: whadez#4817


Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - AliBro - 29.01.2019

I'm looking for very good/professional mappers to RP server, which they have knowledge and edition of creating objects/exterior/interior, aestethics work, perfectly fitted. Contact via discord: Sons#9051

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Evander - 29.01.2019

Looking to gather a group of individuals who are prepared to be apart of a upcoming heavy role-play server. Serious inquires only.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Gogorakis - 30.01.2019

Originally Posted by Gogorakis
Посмотреть сообщение
I'm looking for a new project to support it financially. I'm providing a host and a hosted tab as well as websites and a domain. Willing to pay much if you seem like you've put a lot of work on it. What I aim to is a position on your administration team so I can help you run the server.
Add me on discord: gregorikouk#4322

No edits allowed.
Still looking.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Sylumz - 30.01.2019

Looking to completely fund / support a SA-MP RP server (either existing or in development) send me a PM