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Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Printable Version

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Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - axellech - 02.06.2018

I'm looking for script to fix a score salvage bug in my filterscript, it's simple but I can not solve it, I pay 5$ righ now on paypal.

DISCORD: rEv#1684

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Adamoneoone - 02.06.2018

Hello, I am looking for an experienced PAWN developper, the scripts will be using MySQL. Add me on discord: khobz-iwnl-#2911. Will be paying 10-30Ђ (In total) for multiple scripts (can go higher if the work is of really good quality.)
EDIT: Developper found

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - kevann - 03.06.2018

Hello, i am looking for a few people to start a samp community with, i need some co-owners and administrators who will help managing the community. If you are interested please head to our discord and have a chat with me.

Best regards,

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - GRiMMREAPER - 03.06.2018


We are looking for versatile and motivated individuals who'd like to become part of an upcoming roleplay community. You must be well versed in English and have roleplayed in the past, obviously. You're also expected to take certain responsabilities which will be assigned to you based on your skills.

Shoot me a PM.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Azn - 03.06.2018

looking for a dumbass programmer to collab with

-u just gotta know how to do porn(pawn) and ill get you up to speed with the rest
-and not quit on me after like 3 weeks cuz u got bored of it
if u wanna know what i have in mind/want to collab, hit me up on that discord peter#5489

ps: dont mind my rep; this is an old account

edit: it's a cops and robbers kind of gamemode

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - EzeGODezE - 03.06.2018

looking for romanian scripter to script lsrp gamemode (romanian lanaguage) login dont show up

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Dignity - 07.06.2018

Looking for modders and mappers.

When I say “modder” I don’t mean being able to swap a head. I need people able to OR willing to learn how to make custom props from scratch.

As a mapper you’re expected to map in a team environment and take on group projects with other mappers.

Send me a message.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - kovac - 07.06.2018

I'm willing to script for money.
I can do anything you want. From vip, faction, admin systems to houses or anything. I do work only with MySQL.
Contact me on discord: Aleksandar#9200

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - JasonRiggs - 07.06.2018

I'm looking for someone who has the will to buy a hosted tab server or a VPS and I'll script and I've got mappers too..

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - GRiMMREAPER - 07.06.2018


We are looking for versatile and motivated individuals who'd like to become part of an upcoming roleplay community. You must be well versed in English and have roleplayed in the past, obviously. You're also expected to take certain responsabilities which will be assigned to you based on your skills.

Shoot me a PM if you want to know more about the project.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - XWoozieX - 08.06.2018

How i can Open safe server

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - GRiMMREAPER - 08.06.2018


We are looking for versatile and motivated individuals who'd like to become part of an upcoming roleplay community. You must be well versed in English and have roleplayed in the past, obviously. You're also expected to take certain responsabilities which will be assigned to you based on your skills.

Shoot me a PM if you want to know more about the project.

May I add that we're also looking to integrate another junior web/game developer in our team in order to get the product ready quicker. We're looking for web developers who know how to work with AngularJS (+Redux).

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - PawelQ - 08.06.2018

Upcoming serious roleplay community is looking for founder and staff members. I'm developer of the script which is done at about 85%, it's scratch written - no any edit. I've also already created a forums on my web host which only needs a new domain. Founder will be rewarded in lifetime premium account or a rank if you got any past experience with administrating on samp. Gamemode is much different from "standart" ones that you can see on all the servers around. I'm also looking for a good mapper which can lead mappers team. I've provided a in-game built object editor to create and edit objects while playing. If you want to become an administrator, supporter or moderator feel free to leave a message.

Contact via:
PM - forums
Skype: gazowanykebab
Discord: smith

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - JasonRiggs - 08.06.2018

Looking for a founder for a roleplay server, Scripter and Mapping team are ready, waiting for the host.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - virusX - 08.06.2018

Looking for web developer and trailer maker for [CnR] Hosted tab server.
********: https://www.********.com/zeyadsayedd

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Dignity - 08.06.2018

Looking for modders and mappers.

When I say “modder” I don’t mean being able to swap a head. I need people able to OR willing to learn how to make custom props from scratch.

As a mapper you’re expected to map in a team environment and take on group projects with other mappers.

Send me a message.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - StrikerZ - 14.06.2018

I'm a scripter and looking for a paid job. My work can be checked from my signature. Hit me up via PM

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - ghazitarazi - 14.06.2018

Looking for a scripter for a small work

I got all scripts ready i just want him to join them together with the maps in 1 script

Willing to buy him any steam game witch coast 5$ or less

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Caessius - 14.06.2018

Looking for moderators/administrators for our freeroam server. The server is already hosted and the hosted tab is going to be purchased as soon as we get the forums ready. PM me if you're interested, or send me a DM in Discord at Matty<3#9438

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Hadzaga - 14.06.2018

When ever I kill someone i want to get +1 Score and i need to save that score. Please can someone make that for me.TY PM me if you know how to make it.