Re: Taking over on someone's work -
StreetGT - 30.08.2016
For what clients? Don't you guys know use Terminal if using Mac/Linux or use the Git Terminal on Windows?
Once you learn the commands you don't need anything else.
If you guys want, spend 9$ on Laracasts and learn about Git and other good stuff. (It's possible to download all videos)
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
AndySedeyn - 30.08.2016
EDIT: nvm, irrelevant to the topic.
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
JuannJohnson - 30.08.2016
Respuesta: Taking over on someone's work -
Revelation - 01.09.2016
I like the idea, now I have my server freeroam that uses LAdmin system in the gamemode, but outdated and obsolete system that is DINI for saving data, and I would change it to SQLite.
Sorry for my bad english.
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
JaKe Elite - 01.09.2016
@Revelation - Thank you for supporting the project, I won't fail you I promised. The system itself comes up with Whirlpool and a User Key Increment (#1.. #2...)
@ On - Topic ;
The script itself is almost finished, I just have to re-work on the AKA System & /setpass, /changepass part. If you think you wanted to change something in LAdmin or remove, update it (making /level's in dialog blah-blah-blah), Please hit me up on Private Message!
Comparison between the Original LAdmin's coding & my coding ;
* Tried my best to optimize the script in my best own way, Feedback would be appreciated if you think I need to optimize the code more.
* Removed the LoggedIn checks due to the fact that the values of Level is resetted to zero upon OnPlayerConnect, soooo ....
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
AndySedeyn - 01.09.2016
Looks good!
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
markparker12 - 01.09.2016
Some suggestions -
1)Add a command for offline banning.
2)Add a command for getip from name.
Lemme explain, if you do /getipn [Name here], like /getipn Jake, it will get you Jake's IP.
3)Add a command for temp ban. [I don't think LAdmin has temp ban, right?]
4)Add crash command [crashes a player]
5)Add a command to spawn cars[I mean like, if there is a custom event, we can spawn around 4-5 cars for other players, instead of /givecar]
Thank You man for updating this Ladmin.
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
JaKe Elite - 02.09.2016
Testings for LAdmin & JakAdmin has began!
Refrain to my signature for the server IP; The first script that will be tested is LAdmin then JakAdmin (JakAdmin still needs to be re-touched for the 4th Anniversary Release)
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
JaKe Elite - 02.09.2016
Originally Posted by markparker12
Some suggestions -
1)Add a command for offline banning.
2)Add a command for getip from name.
Lemme explain, if you do /getipn [Name here], like /getipn Jake, it will get you Jake's IP.
3)Add a command for temp ban. [I don't think LAdmin has temp ban, right?]
4)Add crash command [crashes a player]
5)Add a command to spawn cars[I mean like, if there is a custom event, we can spawn around 4-5 cars for other players, instead of /givecar]
Thank You man for updating this Ladmin.
1.) Sure do, Re-vamping the ban system now.
2.) Erm there is /ip from the original LAdmin?
3.) I don't know about this one, might get implemented or not - Stay tuned.
4.) Will do, restricted for level 4+
5.) /car does that, IF, you are a RCON Admin.
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
JaKe Elite - 03.09.2016
Server has expired, A new IP has been setted up, please refrain to the signature below if you wanted to join.
5 days to go for LAdmin's re-release.
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
markparker12 - 03.09.2016
Goodluck Jake.
Respuesta: Re: Taking over on someone's work -
Revelation - 04.09.2016
Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
Server has expired, A new IP has been setted up, please refrain to the signature below if you wanted to join.
5 days to go for LAdmin's re-release.
I have a question, Currently I have a command that lets you change the name of the player's account, how it would be being implemented in SQLite & SSCANF?
My code:
PHP код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] >= 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] <= 91) return SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "ERROR: Disable command for low level admins!"),SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "* If you want change your name, you say with owner of server.");
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 1)
if(NoName[playerid] == 1)
return SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "* Usage: /changename [new name]");
if (strlen(params) < 3 || strlen(params) > 20)
return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"ERROR: The name must be between 3 and 20 characters");
return SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "* The name have invalid characters.");
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128], sname[150];
return SendClientMessage(playerid, Red, "This name already exists, choose another");
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(string,sizeof(string),"* %s (ID: %d) was changed the name to: \"%s\" .",name,playerid,params);
format(sname,sizeof(sname),"* %s (ID: %d) was changed the name to: \"%s\" .",name,playerid,params);
new year,month,day; getdate(year, month, day);
new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour,minute,second);
new wea[500];
format(wea,sizeof(wea),"{FFFFFF} Hi %s!, You changed your nick!\
\n\n{FFFFFF}Your old nick is: %s\
\n{FFFFFF}Your new nick is: %s\
\n{FFFFFF}Date: %i/%i/%i Time: %i:%i :%i\
\n\n{FFFFFF}Remember that when you leave the server and then re-enter\
\n{FFFFFF}you must put your new nick %s in your SA-MP to re-enter your new nick\
\n\n{FFFFFF}We recommend you take a picture by pressing F8 so do not waste your nick.",name,name,params,day,month,year, hour, minute, second,params);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 8000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "You've changed your nickname!", wea, "OK", "");
NoName[playerid] = 0;
udb_RenameUser(name, params);
SetPlayerName(playerid, params);
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"* You can only use this command once.");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"* You need 20 score for change your name.");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"* You need to log (/login) To use this command");
return 1;
Or is it possible that you can create a similar command in the new LAdmin to change the name of the player's account? Please.
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
JaKe Elite - 04.09.2016
I have already done it sooo yaa, just wait for the LAdmin
- am so excited, Yays!
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
Logic_ - 04.09.2016
Whenever this version of Ladmin gets released, i am gonna upgrade my script!.
EDIT: some suggestions...
- Add temporary VIP system
- Add temporary admin level
- Add a ban list command that would be cool.
- .. (I will +rep you) .. Please make these features ..
- Add a new spectating system, if possible
- Add some help-notes or help-comments in script or in topic, so ppl can edit the script with ease
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
JaKe Elite - 08.09.2016
Will add these for later LAdmin version.
@ LAdmin is released, imo. Check my signature
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
Crayder - 11.09.2016
Well, I admit, you have made it a LOT better. Still got a little bit to go though.
Re: Taking over on someone's work -
Threshold - 15.09.2016
As long as you don't make as many typos or spelling errors that LuxAdmin had... I'm fine with it. If you need help, feel free to message me.