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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Cypress - 09.03.2014

Originally Posted by TheChimpJr
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The question isn't that. If It had landed or turned around it would still be on radar. Radar doesn't stop recording the planes path because it goes off path.
Commutation with the plane can be simply cut off by some pro hijackers. Unless it's like you say, still there would be some pieces around.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - TheChimpJr - 09.03.2014

Well your some what right, however it's a 777 that motherfucker is huge and can easily be spotted. If it landed it would be discovered by now, you think in the whole plane no one will attempt to contact the tower or something like that. Even if it's still in the sky's, it can be easily spotted and I am sure they have planes in the sky right now looking for where it can possibly be.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Mr.Anonymous - 09.03.2014

Could be one of these things:

1. Crashed
2. Hijacked
3. Landed on some unknown airport in deserts. (Yes. There are some unknown airports in the deserts. ****** up)

But it makes me think. Super powerful radars couldn't locate the plane. Even if it got crashed, the pilots still would had time to tell it to the ACT. Strange. Or maybe the thing happened with the plane was so quick and terrible that the pilots couldn't tell it to the ACT. Maybe aliens?

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Fool - 09.03.2014

How does a plane go missing?

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - newbienoob - 09.03.2014

Originally Posted by Fool
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How does a plane go missing?
No one knows. It just mysteriously missing from radar. It's been 2 days(?) and no one knows what happened to them.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Jansish - 09.03.2014

I Hope Plane Is Found Soon !!

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - iZN - 09.03.2014

This makes feel scary because suddenly something big and it is gone for like 2+ days. Might be this But I don't really think that could be because of the location., hope everyone is alive and safe.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - laske - 12.03.2014

Originally Posted by ACI
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Yea, their stupid misconception in something, made them stated killing. A religion isn't a religion if it is evil in someway to humanity. Then everyone stats hating it. What do you except? You will kill people and go to heaven?
Most people that turn into suicide terorists are either kids which are easy to manupulate or people that have for example had their families killed and in desperation mixed with depression and wish for revenge will believe into something stupid like killing people and going to "heaven".

But on topic i read from that link potassium posted and it is staggering.
Black box they are bulletproof and transmit long after explosion.
Then what happened to it? only thing that comes to mind is that somehow someone on the plane disabled it.
I highly doubt that it malfunctioned since it is built to be explosion proof.
And nobody really believes in aliens.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Potassium - 12.03.2014

Let's not turn this thread into a religious flamewar, as I would like to see this thread stay open.

Originally Posted by laske
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But on topic i read from that link potassium posted and it is staggering.
Black box they are bulletproof and transmit long after explosion.
Then what happened to it? only thing that comes to mind is that somehow someone on the plane disabled it.
Exactly. Very, very strange.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - DirtyLilFreak - 12.03.2014

I have a feeling the pilot was involved in this whole drama :S

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - fiki574 - 12.03.2014

Originally Posted by DirtyLilFreak
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I have a feeling the pilot was involved in this whole drama :S
Well wasn't he the one flying the plane? :O

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Sojo12 - 12.03.2014

It actually cant be flying in the air for more than 70+ hours!Even if it crashed somewhere in the sea,pieces would be seen especially the cockpit.According to us,it lost control and directly went into the water and got stuck there itself but if that had happened,pieces of the plane would have absolutely torn apart and by now it would be visible!I just hope they are all fine!Its also possible that it landed somewhere else like they said in deserts or in some deserted island something of that sort.All devices are turned off and sometimes some are ringing but not being answered!

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - DirtyLilFreak - 12.03.2014

Originally Posted by fiki574
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Well wasn't he the one flying the plane? :O
What I meant by that is even though the plane would have crashed the blackbox would have given some sort of signal right? But there is no such signal so and I'm sure the pilot was probably the one who deactivated it :3

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - T-N-Z - 12.03.2014

I dont't remember which flight it was, but in 2009 another plane crashed into the ocean. They only found the remains of that plane two years later, in 2011.
Maybe some compartments of the plane didin't got flooded by water and everyone died because of crash injuries/oxygen loss, that's why no one is picking up phones.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - newbienoob - 12.03.2014

Originally Posted by DirtyLilFreak
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What I meant by that is even though the plane would have crashed the blackbox would have given some sort of signal right? But there is no such signal so and I'm sure the pilot was probably the one who deactivated it :3
If you watched a movie, hijackers would tell the pilot to turn it off and fly somewhere else.

Originally Posted by T-N-Z
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I don't remember which flight it was, but in 2009 another plane crashed into the ocean. They only found the remains of that plane two years later, in 2011.
Maybe some compartments of the plane didin't got flooded by water and everyone died because of crash injuries/oxygen loss, that's why no one is picking up phones.
It's Air-France(afaik). Crashed into the Atlantic ocean and discovered after 2 years. But in this case, it doesn't make sense at all. Atlantic ocean is really deep(hence why they can't find it). But the ocean where the plane was reported missing is really shallow. Even submarines could not locate it.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - dugi - 12.03.2014

Originally Posted by newbienoob
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If you watched a movie, hijackers would tell the pilot to turn it off and fly somewhere else.

It's Air-France(afaik). Crashed into the Atlantic ocean and discovered after 2 years. But in this case, it doesn't make sense at all. Atlantic ocean is really deep(hence why they can't find it). But the ocean where the plane was reported missing is really shallow. Even submarines could not locate it.
The Air France Flight 447 was fully recovered after two years yes, but remains of the plane were found day after a crash while in this case nothing was found after almost a week!

If anyone is looking for a news source without sensationalism and science fiction theories then I recommend (the updates are highlighted with yellow colour)

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - Drebin - 12.03.2014

Originally Posted by dugi
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If anyone is looking for a news source without sensationalism and science fiction theories then I recommend (the updates are highlighted with yellow colour)
Sources like this is where everyone should get their information from. No speculations, no sensationalism, no avarice, no fishing for viewing figures/clicks, no "somebody said". Only official facts.

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - ACI - 13.03.2014

Just found this:

Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - dugi - 13.03.2014


Malaysian authorities have discredited as "inaccurate" reports that the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 may have flown for an additional four hours beyond its last sighting, claiming that the final information received from its engines indicated everything was operating normally.

AW: Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Flight Incident - ThomasTailor93 - 13.03.2014

Take a look at this. Just facts.