Re: Suggestions Thread -
JernejL - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by Lorenc_
native GetVehicleAngularVelocity( vehicleid, &Float: X, &Float: Y, &Float: Z ); // We have set, now we need get.
Calculate difference euler angles from previous onplayerupdate angles from getvehiclequaternionrot, the difference is your angular velocity (omega).
Originally Posted by Lorenc_
native IsVehicleOccupied( vehicleid ); // Should be a native IMHO. Creating two loops; vehicles and players seems insufficient.
A vehicle can have multiple passengers and multiple drivers (while glitches happen) so this is a kinda grey area. my math plugin has functions for that tho, maybe you find some use for it and benchmark if it's faster than pawn versions of that.
Originally Posted by Lorenc_
native GetTotalVehiclesAroundPosition( playerid, &count, Float: Radius = 30.0 ); // Very, very useful.
now we are getting really silly?
Originally Posted by Lorenc_
WEAPON_STATE_FIRING - For GetPlayerWeaponState
Detect animation, keypresses, onplayergivedamage and onplayertakedamage with ammo change and you can get to do VERY reliable ammo frozen hack detection.
Originally Posted by RaZVaN ^ xD
Callbacks to handle money of casinos, or disable that games.
You CAN do that already, disable enexes and use scripted ones without games.
Originally Posted by KyleSmith
- Allow colours past the 256th character in textdraws.
- TakePlayerScreenshot(playerid) - Save in scriptfiles (Server Sided Function).
Textdraws limit is a specific one, if you need that long textdraw you are doing something wrong.
Screenshots? what for again?
Re: Suggestions Thread -
Sergei - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by JernejL
You CAN do that already, disable enexes and use scripted ones without games.
There are still workers in casinos, so you can still play games.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
JoBullet - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by Vince
No. More DirectX stuff will completely destroy the feel of the game. This is still a mod for GTA SA, not a standalone game.
LOL? Absurd! DirectX is just a renderer, there are already complete 3rd party libraries for handling GUI(e.g. CEGUI, etc.). btw. you could argue that way that the dialogs are also destroying "the feel of the game"... You are saying non-sense...
EDIT: Also emulating GUI with TextDraws is not funny...
Re: Suggestions Thread -
IstuntmanI - 08.01.2013
pawn Код:
native GetVehiclePlayerInSeat( vehicleid, seatid ); //returns the player in that seat
Re: Suggestions Thread -
JernejL - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by Sergei
There are still workers in casinos, so you can still play games.
You weren't listening were you? if you disable enexes there's no workers inside, it's a function that has been there since 0.2a or so.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
doreto - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by costel_nistor96
pawn Код:
native GetVehiclePlayerInSeat( vehicleid, seatid ); //returns the player in that seat
There is already that function
Re: Suggestions Thread -
JernejL - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by JoBullet
EDIT: Also emulating GUI with TextDraws is not funny...
I disagree.
And that was just a early version, i have much more complex stuff in-place now, you are just lazy.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
gilpenner - 08.01.2013
pawn Code:
native DisableVehicleMarkers()
It would be awesome.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
- Lukas! - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by Lightning[SV]
pawn Code:
native DisableVehicleMarkers()
Need it!
pawn Code:
native SetOriginalObjectsDrawDistance(Float:DrawDistance); // Change default objects draw distance for all players
Re: Suggestions Thread -
IstuntmanI - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by Y_Less
I'll give you a hint (which generally applies to all requests). If you can script it already, it probably won't be added (especially if there's a version already released publicly, because then there is ZERO cost to you using it and NOT ZERO cost to it being redone in the server). If you want to request things, bear this in mind and stick to requesting things you can't already do - they won't be just ignored out of hand.
Try to give acceptable suggestions, we want to help Kalcor with good suggestions, not with things we already know he won't add. Post only the most acceptable suggestions, not every stupidity.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
CONTROLA - 08.01.2013
pawn Code:
SetPlayerDialogPos(playerid, dialogid, Float:X, Float:Y);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], info[], button1[], button2[], Float:X, Float:Y)
+ Tick boxes and scroll bars in dialogs. Pwease SA:MP Team!!
Re: Suggestions Thread -
GameMan - 08.01.2013
Add playback of multiple audio streams.
pawn Code:
native PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, streamid, url[], Float:posX = 0.0, Float:posY = 0.0, Float:posZ = 0.0, Float:distance = 50.0, usepos = 0)
native StopAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, streamid)
native StopAllAudioStreamsForPlayer(playerid)
Sorry for bad English
Re: Respuesta: Suggestions Thread -
ikkentim - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by Sr_Piky
1- Add IsPlayerStreamingAudio or something like this.
In addition to PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, url[], Float: posX = 0.0, Float: posY = 0.0, Float: posZ = 0.0, Float: distance = 50.0, usepos = 0)
AttachPlayerAudioStreamToVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
AttachPlayerAudioStreamToPlayer(playerid, toplayerid)
AttachPlayerAudioStreamToObject(playerid, objectid)
AttachPlayerAudioStreamToPlayerObject(playerid, objectid)
I guess steams need to be recalculated ever very often anyways (due to when you move away form the source), so i guess it can also be attached (as it just requires a moving coordinate); If the object/player/vehicle is not streamed, do not hear the music.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
Jay_ - 08.01.2013
SA-MP is pretty impressive nowadays. I can't really think of many more suggestions to improve it, but one useful thing it does lack that a lot of big servers would probably appreciate is per-player pickup functionality.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
White_116 - 08.01.2013
PHP Code:
SetPlayerGravity(playerid, Float:gravity);
GetPlayerGravity(playerid, &Float:gravity);
RemovePlayerWeapon(playerid, slot);// similar ResetPlayerWeapons
SetPlayerStamina(playerid, Float: stamina);
GetPlayerStamina(playerid, &Float: stamina);
callback OnVehicleTakeDamage(vehicleid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid)
Re: Suggestions Thread -
deffo - 08.01.2013
Inbuilt client sided plugins in the client samp which can be read by server side amx file for custom key mapping, that is to be able to read keyboard keys other then default GTA SA controls.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
Stepashka - 08.01.2013
pawn Code:
native SetPlayerOxigen(playerid, Float:oxigen);
native GetPlayerOxigen(playerid, &Float:oxigen);
If it's possible controll user statistic like that:
or / and progress bar
Change all in game parameters.
And better
we want be able to create custom bars and panels!
Re: Suggestions Thread -
AirKite - 08.01.2013
Originally Posted by White_116
pawn Code:
RemovePlayerWeapon(playerid, slot);// similar ResetPlayerWeapons
GivePlayerWeapon with ammo 0
Originally Posted by White_116
pawn Code:
callback OnVehicleTakeDamage(vehicleid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid)
Yeah!!! VERY NEED!!! Agree!!!
Re: Suggestions Thread -
Kuddy - 08.01.2013
pawn Code:
native DisableFoodMachines();
// or
native DisableFoodMachinesForPlayer(playerid);
Disable all food machines (soda/food).
The machines object can be removed using RemoveBuilding, but i can drink yet.
Re: Suggestions Thread -
GWMPT - 08.01.2013
some interesting functions
pawn Code:
native GetTextDrawAlpha(text: id); // it shall return a value from 0.0 to 1.0
native SetTextDrawAlpha(text:id, Float: alpha); // it shall set the textdraw alpha.
native GetPlayerTextDrawAlpha(playertext: id); // it shall return a value from 0.0 to 1.0
native SetPlayerTextDrawAlpha(playertext:id, Float: alpha); // it shall set the textdraw alpha.
and was well, the possiblitie to work with client side, which would give us the possiblitie of doing alot of gui's, menus, which could maximize our game play over a sa-mp server.