Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
TheJayMan - 27.09.2017
I'm still looking for a hosted tab provider, hopefully to work with for the foreseeable future (guaranteed monthly payments). I can talk via Skype or Discord if you have any available.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
JokersNight - 28.09.2017
Need an script-er to modify an existing system. System is of Cod. Who willing to help please Pm me
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
AlexMSK - 28.09.2017
We're looking for professional admin(s), USA/EU timezone, Someone who care and active in game.
We're also looking for Beta Testers & Developers!
Everything is paid in this , fb page boosted, ******* advertisment, paid forums, Unique UCP, a VPS with protection, Paid domain. And much more. Loyality may make you something in this server.
We're also looking for Gang Leader, active and good in roleplay. Faction leader(s), active and good in roleplay.
If you are interesed please Private Message me, or send an email at
A script created by Emmet_, with amazing systems!
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Jokers98s - 29.09.2017
Need an scripter willing to pay.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
AlphaPac - 29.09.2017
Universal Roleplay is a SA:MP Gaming community, primarily revolving around the roleplay aspect of the modification on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Here, we hold a very high role play standard.
As we try to progress and become a bigger server, we are actively looking for players who are going to be responsible for shaping the interiors and exteriors of our city. You're not only expected to be productive but also expected to be creative and meet deadlines. You will need knowledge of mapping, specifically in roleplay servers which require special attention to structure, texture and design. Dedication and commitment are also expected from you, as we will need to work hard in order to launch the server as soon as possible with great mapping additions. Interested in becoming part of the staff and help shape our server? Click here:
Mapper Applications.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
bugmenotlol - 29.09.2017
Looking for someone to help me in donations for the server running.
he will be co owner and will enjoy every paid features in server.
already we have a player base of 10-20 per minutes
and its a cnr server
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Chickenmofo - 29.09.2017
Take my server to hosted tab and get Co owner rank game mode is call of duty
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
FreAkeD - 29.09.2017
San Andreas Battlefield Death-Match is looking for a developer.
We're looking for a developer who is motivated in helping building our awesome server and community. If you are interested, please read on below!
The following are required:
- Must speak English fluently.
- Must have experience in PAWN and be able to develop complex systems required for the server.
- Must be motivated, mature and ready to listen to others opinions.
- Must have past work that can be shown as a demonstration that you have experience in PAWN.
- Must have a Discord account.
- Must be able to be active generally on server, forums and Discord to keep up with discussions.
If you are interested, please send me a personal message here on the SA-MP forums saying so and for my Discord username.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Gogorakis - 29.09.2017
Endless Gaming Community is currently looking for
beta testers (upcoming administrators).
We're currently running 3 servers:- Endless Gaming Cops And Robbers
- San Andreas Battlefield Team-Deathmatch
- The Hunger Games SAMP Edition
If you'd like to give us a try then we're waiting for you to join us on
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Escobabe - 29.09.2017
District Gaming Freeroam/Roleplay [Under Developement]
Looking for Beta Testers and Administrators, secure your place withing the team before we launch.
Everything you need to know is down on the signature.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
iConvict - 06.10.2017
C:RP is looking for active, and mature Game Administrators, and Supporters in different timezones. We are also seeking members to join our LSPD, and FD faction. Feel free to visit our forums for more information.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Barnwell - 06.10.2017
Looking for a professional Scripter
Who can make systems/ switch script from Y_INI To MySQL For 28-30$
Contact me in skype omar.alborini
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
[NSN]iRc - 07.10.2017
Project:Los Santos - Founded February 6th 2017 - Seeking Beta Testers, staff, faction heads and more.
A community founded on its successful heavy roleplay tactics, P:LS is a closely monitored community based on realism. We push for heavy roleplay, and we offer many in-game utilities to create a unique experience. Our server boasts many new features and can be defined as "new-age" for unprecedented activity.
We do not give refunds as we believe our server is a clean slate, and opportunity for a fresh start for everyone. We're looking to bring some capable individuals to grow with us before our grand release. Anyone wishing to join us to help us test our systems and begin the P:LS experience need only join our discord and speak with a member of the management team.
Our management team are two Americans with a dream for the next big hit. One, a deputy sheriff and former United States Marine, the other an aspiring author and Registered Nurse. Together, our knowledge and experiences combined on our server give us the cutting edge to the greatest realism possible.
So what are you waiting for? Take the next step in heavy roleplay and join a team built on trust and creativity.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
ToiletDuck - 07.10.2017
Hi, I'm ToiletDuck currently developing a New Survival Gamemode. This Gamemode just got started few weeks ago but now I think it's ready to be official. But then, the reason why I am here right now posting this thread is I am looking for someone who can help me with forums. I can provide the webhosting the problem is I don't have much time for me to configure a forum that's why I'm looking. If you ever fan with any survival gamemode I dare you to try this new type of Survival. I named this gamemode as
Survival Z.
Crafting System
Description: You can craft any Survival Stuffs that can be use for your Survival needs.
Items can be craft:
- Hammer: Use to Mine different types of Stones faster than normal.
- Chainsaw: Use to Cut trees faster than normal.
- Tire:Use to build a vehicle in the server (Feature not yet available)
- Civillian Skin:Use to have your own clothes
- Totem: This is first thing to for building a base In-Game also you can spawn here.
and more...
Survivor Skills System
Description: This is very important feature in this server which you can enhance your survival instincts/skills that are needed for your Surviving needs.
Types of Skills:
- Crafter: Upgrading this skills will give you a lot of perks on crafting.
- Fast Cutting: Upgrading this skill will let you cut down trees faster.
- Fast Mining: Upgrading this skill will let you mine different stones faster.
- Lumber Jacker: Upgrading this skill will give you additional woods when cutting down trees
- Miner: Upgrading this skill will give you additional stones/iron/clay/coal when mining
- Hunger & Thirst or Endurance: Upgrading this skill will slowdown the consumption of Hunger & Thirst.
- Carrier: Upgrading this skill will let you to have more slots in your backpack (Feature not yet available)
- Engineer: Upgrading this skill will let you to craft or build vehicles in-game (Feature not yet available)
- Military: Upgrading this skill will let you to hold or equip different type of military weapons
and more...
Level up System
Description: This will make more the game-play enjoyable and challenging. Without this you cannot earn skill points. Remember Max Level in the server is 100 higher level = difficult to level up. You can earn experience by doing survival stuff in-game. Killing players, Killing Zombies, Killing Deer(Feature not yet available), Mining, Lumber Jacking and Crafting.
Inventory System
Description: Ofcourse this is very important in every Survival gameplay. This is where you can store your loots and stuffs with the maximum capacity of 8. (You can upgrade it for more slots)
Zombie NPC v1.0
Description: We do have a Zombie in the server! There are 45 All in all in the server. Killing them will give you a lot of experience and check their corpse for loots!
This System is not yet quite fully developed. You may encounter any inconvenience with this version we will improve it sooner or later.
Realistic Corpse System
Description: This System makes the survival more realistic where a Survivor died their corpse will remain. Any survivor can check the corpse and loot their loots. The corpse will be automatically deleted after 15 mins so be sure to come back where you died you might be lucky to have your items there.
Loot System
Description: There are 213 Lootable Items being spawned randomly in the server. This is very important feature of this server where survivors can find and search for loots for their survival needs.
Additional Information:We got 54 Available Items, Each Items have their own uses! So be sure to find some!
List of Items:
Soda Can
Raw Meat
Portable Radio
Firstaid Kit
Night Stick
Golf Club
Molotov Cocktail
Silencer Pistol
Desert Eagle
Chrome Shotgun
Combat Shotgun
Sawn-Off Shotgun
Country Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Bodyguard Vest
Car Engine
Civillian Skin
Swat Vest
Swat Helmet
Police Helmet
Police Vest
Animal Fat
Red Iron Bar
Blue Iron Bar
Red Iron
Blue Iron
Iron Bar
Sniper Ammo
Shotgun Ammo
Assault Ammo
Submachine Ammo
Pistol Ammo
Air Drop System
Description: There are 4 Levels of Airdrops in the server. Max Items can be found in the Airdrops is 8, The level will depend upon the playerbase , also the Airdrops will triggered when there are stable 8 players online in the server for 30 mins.
Base System
Description: One of the best feature can be found in the server where a survivor can build a base in the server and ability to store loots/craft an advance items and more!
I'm currently seeking for starting administrator who is very active and mature, Also looking for a hosted tab donor or seller. You can reach me via f@c3buk/Skype/Discord/: F@c3buk: f or Skype: akosiejay2 Discord:
If you feel this is like more advertisement kindly please send me a private message so I can edit it Thanks!
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Shaheen - 07.10.2017
Los Santos Cops and Robbers is now looking for moderators.
Hit me a Pm if interested.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Electron123 - 07.10.2017
Originally Posted by Electron123
Looking for someone who can get me a hosted tab. everything is up we just need a hosted tab PM me
Reward: Owner + Donations
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Kakioshe22 - 07.10.2017
I'm looking for profesional scripters interested in creating a roleplay script from 0.. making it as unique as ever. The idea is going to be Palomino Creek roleplay untill the playerbase expands a bit than we just expand our roleplay.. first Palomino than we expand to Montgomery than dilimore than blueberry.. looking for extremely profesional scripters. There is no problem with paying you guys aswell.. also looking for mappers everyone interested shoot me a forum pm
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
oMa37 - 08.10.2017
Looking for someone to work for Play San Andreas Server. The server is hosted and with a stable website (
here) and it will be on hosted tab once it become 100% stable. You will get Developer rank which is the same as the owner rank but with extra advantages, you will not pay for anything as well.
- Experienced with MySQL.
- Experienced with PAWN.
- Experienced with PHP
(not required).
You can contact me on forum's PMs or Skype (twiikzz).
Looking for some serious and trustworthy people.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Droxx - 08.10.2017
Looking for someone who can get me a server host. everything is up we just need a server host PM me on skype: rani.tanos1
Reward: Owner + Donations
Gamemode: COD
Website: ready
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
ConnorHunter - 08.10.2017
Maximum Roleplay is hiring initial staff members to fill several positions within the team. Contact me for details.