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Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Printable Version

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Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - softspot - 17.05.2017

I'm new at this, I upload a cnr gamemode, I just need to modify a lot of things . if this is possible some can give live help


Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - ProBro - 17.05.2017

Originally Posted by softspot
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I'm new at this, I upload a cnr gamemode, I just need to modify a lot of things . if this is possible some can give live help

Yes, I'm listening?

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - oSAINTo - 18.05.2017

Looking for someone to help me fix a house furniture system I made. I'm having trouble making it delete specific lines. I'll give all the credit to whomever assists me on the changelogs, in-game, etc. Using y_ini.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - CrossUSAAF - 18.05.2017

Originally Posted by CrossUSAAF
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A new CnR community from scratch is recruiting a time-limited Community Manager. As a manager you are a foreman of all admins and you will take care of daily matters such as projects as well as human resources.

Our team began to work in beginning of 2017. We use several platforms to collaborate such as GitHub, Trello and Discord. You are offered a vantage point in a growing community where everyone has good to be.

Eligibility requirements are as follows:
  • Fluent written English
  • Years of experience working as a manager
  • Basic knowledge of databases and servers, Pawn language knowledge is a bonus
  • Project management skills
  • Self-initiative
Please use the following form and send the application via PM. You may send the message only once.
First name: 
How many years have you been on SA-MP?: 
Do you know any programming languages? Examples of your works?: 
Letter of application:
The best applicants will be invited to interview.
Still looking!

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - CillitTwib - 18.05.2017

Looking for a few RP Police Officers to help me staff a new Police Department in a new server.

Add me on Skype luke.tribe or discord Luke#9876

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - freshy - 18.05.2017

Looking for someone who can teach my Mapping, willing to pay a small amount (not much).

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Pravin - 19.05.2017

Looking for server managers, inbox if interested!
Server has a stable playerbase, the developers are busy setting up things as the community is just launched.
Need managers to take care of the staff team and forum.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Electron123 - 21.05.2017

Looking for a pathner to start a server
Skype: aliqadri123

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - XxMadmanxX - 21.05.2017

can anyone add this event mode and change move ped to cj pec please ?

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - DavidKember - 21.05.2017

I'm looking for a few people who can assist me on starting a SA:MP Roleplay server, i am currently alone in this project, i've already paid for everything. Please only mature people.

Teamspeak IP:

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - PiLLoW - 21.05.2017

Originally Posted by NNek
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Looking for a Scripters PM me "Paid"
still looking

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - Crystallize - 21.05.2017

Looking for a scripter, you will be paid we need hunger games gamemode because we have other gamemodes ready (Server will be multimode) full time job and you must be communicative.
PM Me.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - IFilip - 21.05.2017

Are you looking for scripter?

Who am i and what can i do?
My name is Filip, i live in Italy.
I know the PAWN, MySQL and various functions of SA:MP, including textdraws (also clickable).
I can create GameModes from scratch and any system, if required, for a modest price.

How can you contact me?
Easy, send me PM or via Telegram (@filip2000).

What payments i accept?
Only PayPal.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - XxMadmanxX - 21.05.2017

can anyone add this event mode and change move ped to cj pec please ?

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - FailerZ - 23.05.2017

We are looking for a mapper who can join us to create an Arabic Community,
As we already had the script base and we are working in developing it further with unique ideas.
Meanwhile, All we need is a good mapper who can create map for a Call of duty gamemode which consists a military base for each team and some areas to capture.
The requirements:
- Good mapping skills
- Having made at least one map to show us your work

Please message me here or on Skype with the name FailerZ for more information.
Please note that we all are working voluntarily so no payments involved,
But you will be granted an admin privileges!

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - aoky - 24.05.2017

Looking for developers

Want to be come a developer for United County Roleplay? We are hiring at the moment,
and looking for experienced scripters who are looking to further develop and create a unique script.


Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - oSAINTo - 25.05.2017

I'm looking for someone capable of making a working furniture system to my liking. Payment can be discussed, PM me or add my on Skype:

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - oSAINTo - 25.05.2017

Someone to help me create an SQLite database and modify parts of a script to work with the database.
I can offer some small payment.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - fatlirmorina - 26.05.2017

Looking for someone who knows PHP to make me a UCP, I'll pay.

Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! - TopShooter2 - 26.05.2017

GTA SA: Dayz is now looking for experienced staff members and anybody who can make us a trailer.

- Must be experienced with the position he's applying for.
- Has the ability to speak English and use punctuations correctly.
- Able to play actively on the server. (Atleast 2-3 hours a day)
- Knows how to use the forum as we use it most of time.

The server is one of the most popular dayz servers right now, it has a stable 80 playerbase and sometimes hits 100, if you are interested into applying, then do not hesitate sending a private message with the position you applying for. (Administrator, Graphic Designer or trailer creator) Private message here