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Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Sumair - 21.05.2013

There Are MAX GARAGES 1000 But Player Buy Only 2 ?

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - amitdahari - 21.05.2013

Sometimes i cant see icons how do i enable it?

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - amitdahari - 21.05.2013

Originally Posted by -CaRRoT
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1 - It is bugged
2- Move 2/3 meters away from the door then /exit
3 - /opengate
4 - It is not bugged - You gotta visit the car-color shop.
5 - Red and white gate ?
6 - /rav
7 - /tv
8 - It's not - You gotta /kill once you join.
9 - It is disabled
10 - No
11 - Via the script
12 - Via the script
13 - /tod or /wl
14 - At the trash near the gym/unitystation
15 - /editmapicon ?
15 - Basically , Once you create the garage - You gotta /editgarage [ID] EXIT for it to work
17 - Not sure what are you talking about,
1 - I'll see what i could do.
2 - Fixed.
3 - I still can;t open it im making myself the leader and it tells that im not a member of E.M.S
4 - Fixed
5 - Those kind of Gates
6 - i didnot meet respawning unused cars i ment My own car(Like /vstorage at NGRP)
7 - Fixed
8 - Fixed
9 - Is there anyway To Enable it?
10 - Well i once tried it and it somehow worked(ONCE)
11 - Could you tell me the Line it would be Awsome.
12 - Could you tell me the Line..
13 - Fixed
14 - Well 0.5Fixed(Still looking for it)
15 - Fixed
16 - Dont really know how to use it.
17 - Fixed

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Admin22 - 26.05.2013

Nothing Much
How to edit info boards? D:

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - onur0616 - 26.05.2013

Enter the rcon password is taking the game know the rcon password

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - FusionzzRoleplay - 27.05.2013


Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - forgottenwarrior - 27.05.2013

Hi there. I just joined so i just want to inform all i solved the thing with the VIP Warehouse Garage in Los Santos near the unity station. The entrance works well, also the Houses do Save!. All buildinggs too.

Thanks man for this awesome GM +1

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - L.Hudson - 27.05.2013

I found a bug, no matter how many respect points I get I won't level up.

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - -CaRRoT - 27.05.2013


I found a bug, no matter how many respect points I get I won't level up.

That's not a bug - Use /levelup.

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - (SC)=Sky= - 27.05.2013

Wow.. very nice gamemode good job

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Sumair - 29.05.2013

how to change max player biz house garage cars setting

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - lekizinho - 29.05.2013

Well the script is awesome, im fixing some bugs maybe someone can help me on this: When player crashes/logs-off his the car he is in gets destroyed and can't be spawned again. Any sugestion?

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - lekizinho - 29.05.2013

Originally Posted by CJsMom
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Why i got banned when i /rcon login [password] I type my rcon password correctly, but why the server banned me?
The script have some security, he automatically bans everyone who tries to login on the rcon even the owner. But all the things that you can find in RCON comands are in /server. And if you are trying to set your own admin level, go to your scriptfiles and change it on your account parameters.

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Sumair - 29.05.2013

how to chANGE max player bizz house cars setting ?

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - xganyx - 30.05.2013

how to get job

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Knight_Rider - 30.05.2013

Originally Posted by xganyx
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how to get job
You can go to the job point ,
And Do "/join"
And "/accept job"

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Nobi - 30.05.2013

How to use EMS

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Sig Hansen - 30.05.2013

Well thank you CarroT aka Breto aka John, for giving me the mapping service =) It was nice to do a buisness with you.



Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Sumair - 30.05.2013

How To Change Max Player Biz House Car Seting ?

Re: United Gaming RP [0.3x - unique] - Emmet_ - 30.05.2013

Originally Posted by Sumair
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How To Change Max Player Biz House Car Seting ?
Stop asking the same fucking question over and over again. There is no setting to change it, you have to go in the damn script and change the way it is coded!