Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Mowgli - 21.09.2015
Looking for a mapper -
It would be ideal if you know of a good FS which can be used IG to map with (As appose to MTA or map editing software). I can set up a server with the FS so we can map together IG... I have vague ideas on what different things I want created - but need someone who know what they are doing when it comes to mapping so the end result isn't a noobish map with lots of noob work-a-rounds ...
PM me for more details.
Id much prefer if you are 18+, and not an immature kid.
Just want to find someone who enjoys mapping and is up for helping out to create a few things.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
MasonPlay - 23.09.2015
I'm looking for someone who is really experienced in C++/C coding. Game Developement. Payed.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Kursed - 24.09.2015
Searching for helpers,moderators for a roleplay server.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
ZaBraNjeNi - 24.09.2015
Our community looking for trusted scripter.
Riverdale-Roleplay -
rappy93 - 24.09.2015
Riverdale-Roleplay will be a roleplay SA:MP community with its own server based on the popular Roleplay mode. As of now, our community progress is as follows:
- Website - 85% complete.
- UCP - 75% complete.
- Forums - 90% complete.
- Gamemode - 80% complete.
We are looking to fill the following positions before the server goes into Beta stage:
- 1 Mapper. Intermediate knowledge required with Map Editor/MTA Editor.
- 1 Designer. Intermediate knowledge required in an image editing application. (Photoshop, etc.)
- Several testers. Roleplay knowledge required. The testers will be the first people to be promoted to IG administrators.
Note: All positions require good english skills, maturity and dedication.
If you think you meet all the above requirements don't hesitate to send me a PM on the forums or contact me via skype at yooo_rappy.
Have a nice day!
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Cookland - 24.09.2015
Looking for a professional mapper to create a unique nightclub interior. Will be paid depending on work.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Kursed - 25.09.2015
Searching for PROFESSIONAL helpers,moderators for a roleplay server.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
[rG]Cold - 25.09.2015
#We are looking for talented mappers that are willing to do some work for our gaming community!
#There won't be any payment involved but there will be awards and/or stats on our servers!
#Contact me via forums PM or come on our teamspeak:
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
ShiffeyTheGamer - 25.09.2015
Going to start a samp roleplay server in Bone County, looking for a good scripter willing to help. I will take care of everything and the scripter will be a co-owner. PM me on here or to get a faster reply pm me on skype. Gtasaroleplayer
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
donB - 25.09.2015
The Die-hard Cops & Robbers (CnR) gamers having/willing-to-setup their startup venture on SA-MP, may contact. On behalf of a Venture Capitalists (VCs) group, we're looking forward to invest in financial & other prominent segments of your start-ups. The catch is to encourage the upcoming talent of SA-MP scripters in this new era of development, relieving them from the burden of the financials & other legalities, thereby providing a relaxed & secured development environment. Mostly, preference shall be given to scripts from scratch. Conditions would apply. Interested ones contact us on forum here; Skype - db.donB ; Email-
Thanks & Regards,
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
VinLoman - 25.09.2015
XenoFlux Gaming are looking to hire a long term developer. Payment involved on a weekly/monthly basis for good effort. Contact me on PMs.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
alexanderjb918 - 03.10.2015
Looking to join a community that needs a scripter I am 19 from the UK PM me.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
ReD_Boii - 03.10.2015
i have made a social networking site and i want some beta tester to test it and also i am looking for a team that who can join me in my project
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Gogorakis - 03.10.2015
I'm looking for a server (any type except rp) to offer my services as an administrator.
Originally Posted by ReD_Boii
i have made a social networking site and i want some beta tester to test it and also i am looking for a team that who can join me in my project
Don't trust this guy.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
ReD_Boii - 03.10.2015
Originally Posted by Gogorakis
Don't trust this guy.
Dont take revenge now plzz.
Our Past has done before 2 or 1 year
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
Gogorakis - 03.10.2015
Originally Posted by ReD_Boii
Dont take revenge now plzz.
Our Past has done before 2 or 1 year
I'm not "taking revenge" from you. I'm just trying to protect others.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
ReD_Boii - 03.10.2015
Originally Posted by Gogorakis
I'm not "taking revenge" from you. I'm just trying to protect others.
what mistake i have done
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
alexanderjb918 - 03.10.2015
Looking for additional scripters to assist me in making some sort of FIREFIGHTING ROLEPLAY server. pm me for details.
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
RedLabel - 03.10.2015
Sell roleplay gamemode, one really good! add me on skype: mokiqgc
Re: Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! -
DarkScimitar - 03.10.2015
Looking to start a new roleplaying community looking fr a scrripter, Mapper, Doain holder for website and forum and a hoste if you are interested contact me cannot pay but can give administration rank depending on skill