Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 03.05.2014
Really weird problem going on with the server. I am not sure if it is anything to do with the host or my script, so I will explain the problem and see what you think.
Easy to view bullets:- Every now and again, in-game goes unresponsive.
- Everyone shows alt+tabbed and nothing works at all.
- It is like the script has just stopped.
- From outside, you click the server and everything is OK. The players show that they are online and the ping is low.
- Every time this happens, the stats roll back further and further.
- There is also a crash where the server just flicks itself offline.
- These crashes seem to be random.
- No problems to be seen in the server log
- There seems to be no problem on my localhost but then again, it's only me.
- I find it weird how the SA:MP client shows the server as fine but in-game it's not. It alludes to a script fault but then again, surely people wouldn't show tabbed?
- Just earlier, I was getting the "did not logon on time" thing on the server log, but that doesn't happen anymore.
Any advice?
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
EpicMan - 03.05.2014
omg this happens so much its the host bro thats all i can say. Different hosts do that i switched my host and works perfectly now
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 03.05.2014
I'll wait a little bit to see if it clears itself, if not, I will switch.
Thanks.. I do somewhat hope it's the host and not my script though.. lol.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
dugi - 03.05.2014
You aren't using the latest server
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Tamer - 03.05.2014
If updating the server doesn't work, which Dugi said, then get the crash detect plugin and also make sure you compile with -d3 and also I suggest you to get the profiler plugin aswell to see if you have any issues with CPU usage.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 03.05.2014
I should be on the correct version now. (Is there any clear way of telling?)
I'll see how it goes, thanks.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Calgon - 03.05.2014
Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
I should be on the correct version now. (Is there any clear way of telling?)
I'll see how it goes, thanks.
The version should print to your server_log.txt when the server starts.
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z-R2, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 03.05.2014
Thanks so much for the help so far, and here is the situation:
- On the host, I have set the server version to R2-2.
- I have replaced samp03srv, samp-npc and announce with the new version
- It still prints 0.3z in the server_log.txt (both times, I did it twice)
- The first time I upgraded, I sat on my own on the server and everything was fine, no crashing.
- As soon as I made it public and 3 people joined, it crashed after a few minutes. A full crash - not just a half crash.
- This is when I decided to upgrade again just to be sure, but it still prints 0.3z and not what Calgon expects it to be.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Tamer - 03.05.2014
Alright, follow what I told you above. Check if your version is 0.3zR2 on the client.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Calgon - 03.05.2014
Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
Thanks so much for the help so far, and here is the situation: - On the host, I have set the server version to R2-2.
- I have replaced samp03srv, samp-npc and announce with the new version
- It still prints 0.3z in the server_log.txt (both times, I did it twice)
- The first time I upgraded, I sat on my own on the server and everything was fine, no crashing.
- As soon as I made it public and 3 people joined, it crashed after a few minutes. A full crash - not just a half crash.
- This is when I decided to upgrade again just to be sure, but it still prints 0.3z and not what Calgon expects it to be.
Have you downloaded the server from or the server from
this version, and make sure this is the one applied to your host.
Otherwise, ask them over their support to make sure they are running the 0.3z R2-2 server version from that link. It will print the current version to the log on both Windows and Linux servers, so it looks like the correct update hasn't been applied.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 03.05.2014
Originally Posted by Tamer T
Alright, follow what I told you above. Check if your version is 0.3zR2 on the client.
It might come to this, indeed.
Originally Posted by Calgon
Have you downloaded the server from or the server from here?
Download this version, and make sure this is the one applied to your host.
Otherwise, ask them over their support to make sure they are running the 0.3z R2-2 server version from that link. It will print the current version to the log on both Windows and Linux servers, so it looks like the correct update hasn't been applied.
I got it from where dugi posted, so should have been the right place. I've made my issues known to the host and hopefully it gets resolved asap.
Thanks for the advice so far- appreciated.
__________________________________________________ ___
Okay, so it's definitely nothing to do with the host nor version. I am on a different host with the latest version. This is still happening. I have crash detect now but if it's just a half crash, I can't really do anything in regards to crash detect, or can I?
__________________________________________________ ___
Once the half bug crash occurred, I disconnected from the server but it still shows I am online the whole night! Seems to be some massive hang in the script, but crash detect does not detect this, right?
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 04.05.2014
Here is where we are:
- Ruled out the host (not the problem, I switched)
- Ruled out the old version (I am now on the latest version (0.3z R2-2 and on the new host, as above)
- I have crash detect now but if it's just a half crash (i.e. SA:MP server client is fine, but no response in-game), I can't really do anything in regards to crash detect, or can I?
- Once the half crash occurred, I disconnected from the server but it still showed I am online the whole night! Seems to be some massive hang in the script, but crash detect does not detect this, right? Any advice on what to do?
(This bump was ~24 hours after the latest post. Oops, it wasn't exactly 24 hours+.

Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Calgon - 04.05.2014
crashdetect may give you some information to determine what caused the crash, try it out.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Tamer - 04.05.2014
I told you like 2 times already, try the crash detect plugin and the profiler plugin. When will you do it? If your script is hunged up this can be because of a CPU spike or a bad code. Crash detect will tell us if it is bad code, profiler plugin will tell us if it is CPU spikes. also fill these in:
Do you use foreach?
Which command processor do you use?
Which method do you use to save user files?
Have you added anything to your script which could have caused a hangup at your script? In other words, check your latest written code.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 04.05.2014
Originally Posted by Tamer T
I told you like 2 times already, try the crash detect plugin and the profiler plugin. When will you do it? If your script is hunged up this can be because of a CPU spike or a bad code. Crash detect will tell us if it is bad code, profiler plugin will tell us if it is CPU spikes. also fill these in:
Do you use foreach?
Which command processor do you use?
Which method do you use to save user files?
Have you added anything to your script which could have caused a hangup at your script? In other words, check your latest written code.
Read my posts before getting irritated :P. I said it's only half crashing, meaning will crash detector even work then? (I don't see a .txt file for crashdetect or anything.)
I have crash detect now but if it's just a half crash (i.e. SA:MP server client is fine, but no response in-game), I can't really do anything in regards to crash detect, or can I?
Profiler plugin, that is my last resort. But since I've nothing to lose, I'll try it now.
I do not use foreach. I have it loaded and included on the script, but I do not utilise it.
I use ZCMD.
I use Y_INI.
I don't think anything I added recently is the cause of this. I was mainly adding a trunk system.
Now, on Filezilla I've got the and (or whatever their respective names are specifically). Where exactly would the .txt files get dumped?
Also, could the fact I don't have the latest YSI version (I think) be the cause?
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Tamer - 04.05.2014
Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
I was mainly adding a trunk system.
Aha, trunk system, this means writing data to files using Y_INI, if something is crashing your server, that's it. Writing files etc. is a total mess for these servers, especially if you don't know what you are doing. Previously my server had issues with Y_INI writing aswell, (the issue was same, the server got hungup) so you may start off by getting the crash detect plugin as I said a few posts before and the profiler plugin.
Meanwhile follow the steps which the crash detect plugin wants, to get callback names etc. and compile your mode with -d3 (stated how to do so in the topic)
At the other hand, start using foreach, if you want to save up CPU usage.
Crash detect logs the information to server_log.txt
Profiler plugin attaches the profile information near your gamemode directory, look in to the "Gamemodes" folder.
But you need to restart the server before it crashes, because the profiler writes all data once the server is exited (GameModeExit)
To your server.cfg, add these:
profile_gamemode 1
profile_format html
Using an outdated YSI version won't cause any issues, unless you use a version from a prehistorical age, because I do so too, cba to update that. No issues at all.
If you don't get any crash info from the crashdetect plugin then you may post the part of your trunk system code, at that point I can't help you though, because I am not very good at Y_INI errors, but I'm sure Alex Cole (******) can help you with that.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Mr.Faqahat - 04.05.2014
Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
Really weird problem going on with the server. I am not sure if it is anything to do with the host or my script, so I will explain the problem and see what you think.
Easy to view bullets:- Every now and again, in-game goes unresponsive.
- Everyone shows alt+tabbed and nothing works at all.
- It is like the script has just stopped.
- From outside, you click the server and everything is OK. The players show that they are online and the ping is low.
- Every time this happens, the stats roll back further and further.
- There is also a crash where the server just flicks itself offline.
- These crashes seem to be random.
- No problems to be seen in the server log
- There seems to be no problem on my localhost but then again, it's only me.
- I find it weird how the SA:MP client shows the server as fine but in-game it's not. It alludes to a script fault but then again, surely people wouldn't show tabbed?
- Just earlier, I was getting the "did not logon on time" thing on the server log, but that doesn't happen anymore.
Any advice?
Its not the Host Problem,
i am facing the same trouble
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
Calgon - 04.05.2014
As I said, try crash detector. It will probably give you some relevant information even if the server doesn't "properly" crash.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PinEvil - 04.05.2014
I've noticed this as well on my server.
Re: Server half crashing - no response in-game but response on client -
PrivatioBoni - 09.05.2014
Not sure if this is in relation to the actual half crashing, but:
[08:58:05] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[08:58:05] [debug] Native backtrace:
[08:58:05] [debug] #0 da51a09b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #1 da5152d2 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #2 da515ebc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #3 da516366 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #4 da519cec in ?? () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #5 da9f8410 in ?? ()
[08:58:05] [debug] #6 da9f8430 in ?? ()
[08:58:05] [debug] #7 da765941 in gsignal () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[08:58:05] [debug] #8 da768d72 in abort () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[08:58:05] [debug] #9 da75eb58 in __assert_fail () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[08:58:05] [debug] #10 da51b360 in ?? () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #11 da51b56e in amx_Init () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #12 da51fd63 in aux_LoadProgram () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #13 da50b347 in _ZN13AMXPathFinder7AMXFileC1ERKSs () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #14 da50b903 in _ZN13AMXPathFinder7FindAmxE9AMXScript () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #15 da51434c in _ZN11CrashDetect4LoadEv () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #16 da518b18 in AmxLoad () from plugins/
[08:58:05] [debug] #17 080cf199 in ?? () from samp97460
[08:58:05] [debug] #18 080a00d1 in ?? () from samp97460
[08:58:05] [debug] #19 080a99c1 in ?? () from samp97460
[08:58:05] [debug] #20 080a9cca in ?? () from samp97460
[08:58:05] [debug] #21 080a8582 in ?? () from samp97460
[08:58:05] [debug] #22 da751e46 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[08:58:05] [debug] #23 0804b4a1 in ?? () from samp97460