** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
[ZFM]Zuc - 29.08.2011
..:: Zadmin4.2 Administration System ::..
This is the latest version of my Admin System. I hope you'll like it because I've fixed some bugs there were in the last version and I've added many features!
(re-uploaded 26 Aug 2014)
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Zadmin is made to be used in most type of servers and that's because you can configure it totally. in 4 files there is whole configuration:
- OptionsConfig.ini (for anticheat and other options. You can change also ingame with /set and /anticheat)
- CmdsLevels.ini (to set all admin commands LEVELS)
- EnableCmds.ini (to choose which commands are ENABLED or DISABLED. You can change also ingame with /commands)
- Anticheat.ini (to configure the anticheat functions)
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- Cmd /fixpv to fix the vehicle of a player.
- Anti Caps Lock: every message written with CAPS LOCK will be modified (not to admins).
- Anti Driveby: options for not letting players to shoot from vehicles.
- Anti Helikill: options which kills a player who kills with helicopter blades.
- RCON SECURITY: now you can decide how you want to protect your server with one of these options:
- Normal RCON
- Second RCON (into the script)
- RCON changing every second, so will probably be impossible for hackers to use it.
- Totally new Language System: The language you choose for Zadmin will be loaded from a file.
the Languages Files Folder is "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config/Languages".
- Better AFK System.
P.S: the language system loads the language from a file. if anyone wants to create the translated file in other languages like SPANISH, GERMAN... he can send it to me and I'll add it on the downloads and put the credits for him!
Look at this [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51CPcBPfuMY]..:: VIDEO ::..[/ame]where I show you something new in Zadmin4.2!!!
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- Copy all folders of the "Scriptfiles" folder in your server's "Scriptfiles" folder;
- Copy files "Zadmin4.2.pwn" and "Zadmin4.2.amx" in your server's "Filterscript" folder;
- Copy "ZDini.inc" and "Zadmin4.2.inc" in your server's "pawno/include" folder;
- Open your "server.cfg" and on "Filterscripts" you have to add: "Zadmin4.2".
"Zadmin4.2.inc" is used on other files where you have to make a command for admins. Condition is:
To use This INCLUDE you have to write on the top of your GameMode "#include <Zadmin4.2>"
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When you open server with Zadmin4.2 for the first time, Zadmin4.2 will create 3 configuration
files in this folder: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Config". You need them for commands levels,
command enable or disable and other options like some about the mini anticheat included.
Then it will create also a file called "aka.txt" where will be saved all players names and IP.
If you want to modify Zadmin4.2 options...look point "### SERVER OPTIONS CONFIG" in this file.
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You certnly want to be admin in your server, so follow these steps to make yourself GOD ADMIN (admin level 10):
- Register an account using "/register [password]";
- (if you're not logged in you have to type "/login [password]")
- Login as RCON Admin using the sa-mp code "/rcon login [password]";
- use command "/makemegodadmin". It makes you admin level 10.
Now you're admin level 10! (the maximum).
If you go in your account following this folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/Users" you can see that you have level 10 on
the text "adminlevel". you'll see this: "adminlevel=10".
When someone types /admins he sees (if you're online) that YOU are admin level 10.
Admin commands you can use are seen in command /admincmd1 and /admincmd2
/admincmd2 shows some command which have action on ALL PLAYERS (example /amute => mutes all players).
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### System REGISTRATION will create an account for every player who registers.
Every file created will save:
- ip
- HashPW (= it's the password coded in numbers)
- password
- adminlevel
- score
- money
- deaths
- kills
- logedin
- freezed
- muted
- jailed
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### Anti Forbidden names System:
There is also a simple way to FORBID a part of a name.
If a player joins with a name which has a part you have forbidded, he will be kicked.
You can write all forbidden part of names in this file: "ForbiddenPartOfName.cfg". You can
find it here: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem".
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### Zadmin has a small ANTI-BAD WORDS:
You can write all the words you want to forbid in server. Example: "Bastard","fuck","motherfucker", and other XD!
The file name is: "ForbiddenWords.cfg" and you find it in folder "Scriptfiles/ZASystem/".
You can forbid a word also from ingame typing ================================================== ================================================== ========================
### Zadmin has also a small system to Forbid some parts of name:
If a player joins in server and has in his name a forbidden part, he will be kicked.
You can write the forbidden prts of name in file: "ForbiddenPartOfName.cfg". You find it in: "Scriptfiles/ZASystem".
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If you have to check (in GM, so not in Zadmin FS) if a player is MUTED, FREEZED or JAILED, you can use
le seguenti condizioni create appositamente per il zadmin:
pawn Code:
pawn Code:
pawn Code:
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There are 3 NEW particular commands in this version:
/votekick [id] [reason]
/voteban [id] [reason]
Command "/voteccars" is used to remove all spawned vehicles by command /veh . when there are not admins ingame, players can
vote to remove them.
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The Register System is made all in DIALOGS:
Changing password:

Whole Zadmin's configuration is made in Dialogs!
Command /set:
Command /anticheat:
and also the command /command is made in Dialogs. You'll need it to decide which commands you want to be enabled (admin commands):



(the command /command continues for 2 more dialogs because there are a lot of commands)
I've made better the commands /report and /reports.
when there have been some reports by players with cmd /report, admins can see the last 3 typing command
. Zadmin will show them with TextDraws. to close them...
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### Zadmin4.0 has 130 commands:
- 5 special commands (for admins) for accounts system:
/makeaccounts [name] [password]
/removeaccount [name]
/renameaccount [name]
/setaccountdata [name] [adminlevel] [score] [deaths] [kills] [money]
- 7 registration commands:
/register [password] (to register an account)
/login [password] (to log in your account)
/logout [password] (to log out of your account)
/changepass [old pass] [new pass] (to change password in your account)
/saveskin (to save a favourite skin in account)
/myskin (to set yourself the saved skin => using command /saveskin)
/stats (to see your stats: score, money, kills etc...).
- 19 commands for players:
/afk (to go afk)
/antistealing (to enable/disable the antistealing for your personal vehicle)
/mycar (to teleport to you your personal vehicle)
/zadminhelp (to see some commands)
/vipcmds (for vips, to see their extra commands)
/vipcolor (for vips, to set the VIPS color to your nickname)
/savepersonalcar (for vips, to save a personal vehicle)
/replacepersonalcar (for vips, to replace your personal vehicle)
/admins (to see all Online Admins)
/report [id] [reason] (to report a cheater)
/countdown (countdown for races)
/pm [id] [message] (sends a personal message)
/veh [nome] [col1] [col2] (to spawn a vehicle. example: "/veh elegy" will spawn a elegy)
/changename [old nome] [new nome] (to change your name) ---> defult is disabled
/carcolor [col1] [col2] (to change your vehicle's colors)
/votekick [id] [reason] (voting to kick a player)
/voteban [id] [reason] (voting to ban a player)
/voteccars (voting to remove spawned vehicles => from command /veh)
- 34 normal commands for admins:
/vipscmds (for vips: to see their personal commands)
/playersrecord (to see the Max number of players ever been in server)
/admincolor (to set yourself Admincolor => defult is GOLD)
/asay [messaggio] (public admin chat. color=blue)
/announce [messaggio] (Big announce from admins in the middle of the screen)
/jetp (it gives you a Jetpack)
/god (GOD MODE On)
/sgod (GOD MODE Off)
/lock (To Lock your vehicle)
/unlock (To UnLock your vehicle)
/heal [id] [health] (To set health to a player)
/armour [id] [armour] (To set armour to a player)
/reports (to see last 3 reports)
/reportsoff (to close last reports window)
/fix (To fix your vehicle)
/fixpv (To fix the vehicle to a player)
/flip (To flip your vehicle)
/gmx (To restart GM)
/setweather [weather id] (To change server weather)
/settime [hour] (To change server's world time)
/setgravity [gravity] (8 is standard gravity)
/ccars (to remove ALL spawned vehicles: it deletes only spawned vehicles witl /veh. Not vehicles in GM!!!)
/cchat (to clear all chat)
/forbidword [word] (to censure a word)
/reloadzadmin (to reload Zadmin4.2)
/unloadzadmin (to unload Zadmin4.2)
/muted (to see who (online players) is muted)
/freezed (to see who (online players) is freezed)
/jailed (to see who (online players) is jailed)
/admincmd1 (to see a list of all admin comands)
/admincmd2 (to see the list of the admin commands which have action on EVERY PLAYER CONNECTED)
**************** commands for Zadmin configuration ****************
- 46 normal admin commands (like commands /kick or /ban or /freeze ...):
/makemegodadmin (ONLY FOR ADMIN RCON: First login to make yourself admin. It will set you MaxAdminLevel = 10)
/spec [id] (you can watch a player with his CAMERA = Spectating mode ON)
/specoff [id] (Spectating mode OFF)
/warn [id] [reason] (To give warnings to a player)
/mute [id] [minutes] (To mute a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unmute [id] (To unmute a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/ban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player)
/rangeban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player more powerfully)
/jail [id] [minutes] (To jail a player for some minutes [from 1 to 10])
/unjail [id] (To UnJail a player)
/crash [id] (To Crash the game to a player)
/burn [id] (To burn a player)
/freeze [id] (To Freeze a player)
/unfreeze[id] (To unfreeze a player)
/eject [id] (To Eject a player from his vehicle)
/setname [id] [new name] (To set a different name to a player)
/disarm [id] (To reset weapons to a player)
/reset [id] (To reset weapons, health, armour and money to a player)
/resetwarnings [id] (To Reset all warnings: warnings from command /warn, Flood-warnings, Ping-Warnings)
/getip [id] (To see Player Info: IP and all names that player used in the past)
/givecar [id] [car name] (To Give a vehicle to a player)
/givemoney [id] [ammount] (To give money to a player)
/setscore [id] [score] (To set score to a player)
/setskin [id] [skin id] (To set a skin to a player)
/slap [id] (To slap to a player)
/explode [id] (To explode to a player)
/goto [id] (To teleport yourself to an other player)
/get [id] (To teleport a player to you)
/vgoto [id] (To tele you to a player with your vehicle)
/vget [id] (To teleport a player to you with his vehicle)
/teleplayer [id] [player] (To teleport a player "id" to an other player "player")
/tempadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin only for ONE connection)
/makeadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin)
/makevip [id] [level] (to make a new VIP)
/removevip [id] (to remove a VIP)
/die [id] (To kill a player)
/setplayerinterior [id] [int id] (To set an interior "interior" to a player "id")
/weapon [id] [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to a player)
/setplayerweater [id] [weather id](To set a weather to a player)
/setplayertime [id] [hour] (To set a hour to a player)
/playerdata [id] (To see all stats of a player)
/getvhealth [id] (If a player is in a vehicle, it checks his vehicle's health)
/setvhealth [id] (If a player is in a vehicle, it sets health to his vehicle)
/setskintome [skin id] (to set yourself a skin)
/removeweapon [id] [weapon] (to remove a weapon to a player)
- 18 admin commands with have action on Every player ingame:
/aheal (To set health to 100 to all players)
/aarmour (To set armour to MaxArmour to all players => 99)
/amute (To mute all players)
/aunmute (To unmute all players)
/afreeze (To Freeze all players)
/aunfreeze (To Unfreeze all players)
/ajail (To jail all players)
/aunjail (To unjail all players)
/akick (To kick all players => Not who uses it)
/aban (To ban all players => Not who uses it)
/adisarm (To disarm all players)
/areset (To reset all to all players)
/asetskin (To set a skin to all players)
/aslap (To slap all players)
/aexplode (To explode all players)
/aget (To get all players to you)
/adie (To kill all players)
/aweapon [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to all players)
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Post comments and vote this topic, thanks! XD!
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
Zh3r0 - 29.08.2011
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
[ZFM]Zuc - 29.08.2011
I had problems with images in the page.
However dude...I prefer a different page.
For comments and votes. and I don't want people to ask things about the old version in the same page.
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
Zh3r0 - 29.08.2011
Originally Posted by [ZFM]Zuc
I had problems with images in the page.
However dude...I prefer a different page.
For comments and votes. and I don't want people to ask things about the old version in the same page.
They can upgrade as easy as making a pie, just ask a mod to change the title and voila.
You made one topic pe version, lame isn't it?
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
Odyssey - 29.08.2011
Zr3h0 is correct. Just ask a mod to change the name of the topic and your away.
On another note I am quite suprised you have updated this. I thought this would never get a update. I used this system along time back, and it was buggy. So, I'm guessing that is the reason for the update.
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
[ZFM]Zuc - 30.08.2011
Well I've asked to a mod to delete the 3 pages of the previous versions. Happy?
Now please...after have fucked me up...post comments on the scripts and not on my mistakes!!!!!
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
MoldovaGaming - 30.08.2011
Holy shit lots of commands!
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
[ZFM]Zuc - 30.08.2011
Yes I know. well...some of them are not so much usefull but there are the most important cmds. I hope people will like this new version.
important. temember commands /set /command /anticheat
you need them for the Zadmin configuration.
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
FireCat - 30.08.2011
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
Mark™ - 30.08.2011
thanks for the update man, much appreciated !
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
cleveri - 30.08.2011
please help

i changed the second rcon on line 17 or 18 but it didnt work plz help
Re : ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
Naruto_Emilio - 30.08.2011
Good job, nice admin system.
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
grand.Theft.Otto - 30.08.2011
Nice, but you should upload it to solidfiles, or pastebin or mediafire. Takes long to go through all the steps to get to the download link.
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
cleveri - 30.08.2011
plz help i changed the second rcon in line 17 or 18 and it didnt work

plz help D:
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
[ZFM]Zuc - 31.08.2011
Originally Posted by cleveri
plz help i changed the second rcon in line 17 or 18 and it didnt work  plz help D:
if you change it in the script you have to COMPILE Zadmin again! it will work only if you compile.
About the download in Solidfiles...I'm sorry but I had an arrangement with WebNet32.com to link the download there. It's an arrangement I had with their staff.
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
cleveri - 31.08.2011
Originally Posted by [ZFM]Zuc
if you change it in the script you have to COMPILE Zadmin again! it will work only if you compile.
About the download in Solidfiles...I'm sorry but I had an arrangement with WebNet32.com to link the download there. It's an arrangement I had with their staff.
i did that but it got Errors Do i redownload it? thx for reply
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
bestmy19 - 31.08.2011
Excellent Zuc
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
[ZFM]Zuc - 01.09.2011
re-download the script and try again. maybe you made an error, cleveri.
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
[ZFM]Zuc - 04.09.2011
Post comments and first of all BUGS you find. I'll fix them and Update the version.
(add your VOTES about also, please)
Re: ** [FS]Zadmin4.0. New features [VIP,AntiSpam,Anticheat,Votekick ...] all config in Dialogs!!! -
hydronic - 25.09.2011
how can i aadd /vget when i want fo telepport triler to not only cars