[FilterScript] [FS] Ultimate RCON Admin

Ultimate RCON Admin
What is this?

This is a filterscript which adds a bunch of new commands to the old well known RCON Admin which makes it more fun/easier to use RCON Admin


Which and how many commands?

This will add 23 new commands which is as following:

/heal /sethp /godon /godoff /givecash /setcash /weapon /resetweapon /skin /car /teleport /mute /unmute /ip /ajail /aunjail /goto /get /warp /spamon /spamoff /nuke /uracmds (List of the commands in-game)

Where can i download this?

Right here:

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/fe3ab548

AMX and PWN: http://solidfiles.com/d/v2RB

The AMX and PWN download follows a readme text. READ IT!

How do i install it after download?

It stands in the readme.txt file which follows the AMX and PWN file

Other notes:

This script uses OnPlayerUpdate. This is a warning that this can increase your lag. A version which does not use OnPlayerUpdate is to come soon (But it wont be as good as the original)
In the readme.txt there stands an agreement which you must follow!
The script size: 986 lines AMX size 21KB PWN size 28KB

Thanks to:

Simon for hes "Bad Skin" script system

Pawnstor for showing me Simon's "Bad Skin" system

Kye and the rest of the SA:MP Team for creating SA:MP

And all you guys out there doing bug reports/suggestions or just enjoys using this script

Comment please



Not bad

Nice FS

Oh,thats nice :P

just a simple version of a admin FS as only rcon can use it, you should make a a register system/login system with it it would be used a lot more i think but not bad

Originally Posted by Shady91
just a simple version of a admin FS
I agree with you in this point. But i made it for RCON admins only for 2 reasons:

1. Theres already too many admin FS using registration system

2. New people maybe don't get the FS using registration systems as they can to times be alittle confusing. Thats why i wanted it to be that simple as:

"Login as RCON Admin and your done"

Good. :P

Nice work.

Thanks for the comments

Okay i have been trying all day to modify my topic. It wont let me do it on this exact topic (Maybe theres too much text)

So im gonna post it here now:

Version: 1.0b This version does not use OnPlayerUpdate by not using that callback the perfomance will be alittle better on your server

But the bad thing is: It removes the /spam commands and /god now simply just sets your HP to 1 million

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f3ec84709

To make your ura version to 1.0b download the original from the first topic then replace all the scripting with the one in the pastebin

You have two errors in there, array sizes are too small on lines 264 and 294.I fixed them for you and compiled them up for 0.2x and 0.3.

Heres some mirrors:

Ultimate RCON Admin (0.3): LSX Mirror

Ultimate RCON Admin (0.2x): LSX Mirror

On a side note: Pastebin is good, for looking at code. Not so good for downloading code, so the best thing to do is include compiled files and source along with a pastebin link

Anyway, peace.

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