SAIAdmin - Function Discussion[First Tests if you want]

Originally Posted by ┤ŞąiBЄЯҒПŋ├
Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
any news?
no sorry for taking so much time....
but school,real life,learning other scriptlanguages and being coleader of a clan in enemy territory doesnt give me that much time.....
im especially sorry for you garsino your following the project so much...
your getting a special creditplace for that....
It's ok, take the time you need (:

Im following your project as well!!!
Cant wait you to finish it

/setcash [playerid] [amount]

/getcashinfo [playerid]

/tempban (Temporary Ban [Days])
/hide (Hide from Admins List)
/unhide (Un hide from Admins List)
/invisiblemode (Make your self Invisible Player,Vehicle)
/trace (Trace an Player by Name)
/rape (Make the player Freeze,Jail,Mute Forever)
/gps (Shows Player Info)
/admins (Shows Online Admins) (With Dialog)
/sit [playerid] [seat num] (Sit on player Vehicle on a Specific Seat)

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