[please help]banned 13 players, they got back in

i have 13 player i ban them after school evry day

and i need help as i have a player and it is auto login him in as ME
so he came admin and toled them they can cheat

as i write this mama came back: i toled them i have an auto-ban

if you can tell me how to stop them please

(auto banners = no, they make my game laggy)

Change your password?

wrong board :$
you are using timers probably if your game is lagging, just add your code in your timer to OnPlayerConnect

pawn Код:
#define BlackListedName "Daem" //NAME HERE

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
new NAME[256];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, NAME, 256);
if(NAME == BlackListedName)
return 1;
or use sprunkbuster

I prefer sprunkbuster more.

Catches everything I want.

Originally Posted by eXchainZ-FoReVeR
I prefer sprunkbuster more.

Catches everything I want.
Keep in mind, Sprunkbuster does not have every hacker blacklisted.

Originally Posted by [B
Vortex ]
Originally Posted by eXchainZ-FoReVeR
I prefer sprunkbuster more.

Catches everything I want.
Keep in mind, Sprunkbuster does not have every hacker blacklisted.
I know that, mate.
It blocks the people that got banned by an Official Server which is using Sprunkbuster.

You can always download an Anti-Cheat

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