SetVehicleSpeed, ModifyVehicleSpeed in MPH

A couple of functions to modify vehicle speed. Works in MPH feel free to convert it to km/h.

NOTE: Doesn't work with aircraft, has some interesting effects but aircraft speed will not exceed 150mph.
Another NOTE: Vehicles will slow back down to their default top speed if the function is not constantly called.

P.S. Entering 0 into SetVehicleSpeed makes a handy instant break and using negative values sends you in the opposite direction (obviously :P)

Screenshots: SF Docks to The Big Ear!

//Sets Vehicle Speed To MPH Entered
stock SetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid,mph) //Miles Per Hour
	new Float:Vx,Float:Vy,Float:Vz,Float:DV,Float:multiple;
	DV = floatsqroot(Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy + Vz*Vz);
	if(DV > 0) //Directional velocity must be greater than 0 (display strobes if 0)
		multiple = (mph / (DV * 100)); //Multiplying DV by 100 calculates speed in MPH
		return SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid,Vx*multiple,Vy*multiple,Vz*multiple);
	return 0;

//Increases or Decreases Current Vehicle Speed By MPH Entered
stock ModifyVehicleSpeed(vehicleid,mph) //Miles Per Hour
	new Float:Vx,Float:Vy,Float:Vz,Float:DV,Float:multiple;
	DV = floatsqroot(Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy + Vz*Vz);
	if(DV > 0) //Directional velocity must be greater than 0 (display strobes if 0)
		multiple = ((mph + DV * 100) / (DV * 100)); //Multiplying DV by 100 calculates speed in MPH
		return SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid,Vx*multiple,Vy*multiple,Vz*multiple);
	return 0;
Regards, Code Rae.

this function will set the Speed for everytime
or do i need to add this in a Timer?

Originally Posted by Gijs (
this function will set the Speed for everytime
or do i need to add this in a Timer?
If you wish to keep the speed constant then you can use a timer. I'm currently using it under OnPlayerKeyStateChange so everytime a certain key is pressed it will boost the speed.

Regards, Code Rae.

yeah it is cool, thanks

Awesome! +Bookmark (Attachment's broken for the server download )

please help me.....i'm a do i install this?

Extremely useful, thank you sir.

Thank you very much +rep

How do i install it? and what includes needed?

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