Help!! mysql register!

I am making a mysql register i already make the /register command! and works perfect, but i have a problem i need when the player connect in the server if user is registered server said "user registered use /login pass" and if the player is not registered said "user not registered use /register pass"

But when i compile give me this 2 warnings


C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Mis documentos\Samp Server\gamemodes\nfs.pwn(385) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Mis documentos\Samp Server\gamemodes\nfs.pwn(384) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "chekear"

Here is the code but i dont know the problem


public ChekearUsuario(playerid)
new chekear;
new existente;
new string[256];
new pname[24];
format(string,256,"SELECT Nombre FROM players WHERE Nombre='%s'",pname);
chekear = samp_mysql_query(string);
existente = samp_mysql_num_rows(chekear);
if (existente>0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN ,"*** Bienvenido Tu Nombre ya esta Registrado utiliza /login [contraseсa}");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW ,"*** Bienvenido Tu Nombres no esta registrado utiliza /registro [contraseсa]");


Tell us what is line 384 / 385

P.S.: use [ pawn ] [ /pawn ] instead of [ code ] [ /code ]

thx, the line 384 and 385 is

pawn Код:
chekear = samp_mysql_query(string);
    existente = samp_mysql_num_rows(chekear);

Help pleaseee!

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