Problem =(

Hello when I type /help there will appear a textdraw with some help.

I use this:

			format(String,sizeof(String), " ~p~/~w~evyardim    ~p~-~w~ Ev alip satmak icin.~n~ ~p~/~w~komutlar    ~p~- ~w~Serverimizin komutlarini gosterir.~n~ ~p~/~w~stuntler     ~p~- ~w~Birsuru guzel stunt icin.~n~ ~p~/~w~gtele      ~p~- ~w~Genel teleportlar icin.~n~ ~p~/~w~tele      ~p~- ~w~Sade teleportlar icin.");
But there is no enaugh space :S you know what i mean?
I mean I can't see the textdraw further than /tele... Is there a limit with chartchers, and if how to delete or remove or someting else that?

TextDraw's currently have a limit of 256 characters, it will not go any longer than that . So you would need to add another TextDraw to extend it

Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan
The TextDraw has currently got a limit of 256 characters, it will not go any longer than that . So you would need to add another TextDraw to extend it
Hmm thank you.

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