Help with something


Im new at scripting so im not going to attept this, instead im going to ask for some help.

Can someone please post a working /register [password] and /login [password] , with full instructions on what files to create and were to save them so all the crap saves. And include admin levels in it so you can edit them. I dont no how to do this and cant find one. And i want hardcoded admin commands. I have alot of the commands coded and working fine. But i want to make them so you have to be certin level to use them. So normal people cant go on adminduty and get a heatseacking rocket and minigun with 999999 health, know what i mean .

Please post this or email it to me at,

Please and thanks,


there are tons of admin scripts that have register/login in them just search

Go To Filterscript And Includes Topic and write under SEARCH ''Admin Script'' or something like this , i am useing ladmin ... its cool script

EDIT: here it is


I am currently useing it to. Its dcmd, and i would prefer a strcmp format with it hardcoded in the main gamemode script. That way i dont ahve to edit like 3 different scripts to edit one command xD, and dcmd is alot harder to edit in my opinion. Thats why i posted this.

And i forgot about trying to search ,


Never mind,

I finally got what i needed. I got everything hardcoded and it works. Now i just gotta get all my admin commands coded in and working.

Then my frist DM script with a register login system all hardcoded.


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