Players game crash in same area

Hi, on my server there is an area that you go in and you crash, for no reason, you just crash, the server dosnt take any damage, keeps running, but peoples games just keep on crashing, i have tryed so much to stop this, but i cant find any way round it, please help

Update, the area in whitch you crash seems to have got bigger

you got enny objects in thath area?

Originally Posted by hab4ever[xXx
you got enny objects in thath area?
Yes, we have about 5 objects in that area

So basically you crash while just driving or when you type a command..When you're the only one on the server or when there are many people ?

Copy the lines of those objects and put them somewhere, then delete them. If you still crash, good, if not then put them back and we'll try to help more.

Originally Posted by XtremeChio
So basically you crash while just driving or when you type a command..When you're the only one on the server or when there are many people ?

Copy the lines of those objects and put them somewhere, then delete them. If you still crash, good, if not then put them back and we'll try to help more.
Hi, you just drive past the area or thorugh the area and you crash.

maybe u'have a vehicle / object with worng ID, check u'r mode without the vehicles + objects.

more option:


stock AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid,Float,Float:y,Float:z ,Float:a,color1,color2)
assert modelid >= 400 || modelid <= 611;
return 1;
#define AddStaticVehicle AddStaticVehicleEx

put it in u'r mode, put near the defines.

ok, what do you mean by that, and ID thats buggy, or a ID that dosnt exist? :P

Ops, i have a worng at the Code, take the Repair Code:


stock AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid,Float,Float:y,Float:z ,Float:a,color1,color2)
assert modelid >= 400 || modelid <= 611;
return 1;
#define AddStaticVehicle AddStaticVehicleEx


Fixed it, i removed an object pack next to it, and it stopped, so idk what happened.. oh well ,ty :P

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