.:: A StopTimer Function ::.

Is it possible to create a

This would be very useful for servers.
There is a KillTimer, and StartTimer func. already, but what about a StopTimer?
Instead of always killing the timer, what if it was possible to stop the timer for later use (as long as playerid is connected to server).
Is there already a StopTimer Function?


What about stopping the timer for the player?

Killing it will stop it...

Anyhow what would do is simply adding a variable you togging on and off whether or not you want the content to show, there's no other good way, why not just kill and start it though? Does what you need... I don't see use of StopTimer at all, don't even see what it'd do that KillTimer doesn't do.

Oh, lol sorry for saying "stop," I meant Pausing. lol sorry.

Read my edit, goes for both.

Well, I need a Timer Pausing System so it can stop the timer when a character leaves an area, and when he comes back it will continue where it left off. Or does KillTimer do that for you?
Because I thought KillTimer just destroys the timer?

I think you don't need a KillTimer here at all. Just check with one timer if a player is in area and if he's not and do what you want with him.

It's possible to pause timer...
But I think it's not necessary to use it.
Give us some reasons/examples for using Pause Timer System?

I want to make it to where if your player is driving around in a certain area for a certain time, he will get a message and etc... But if he leaves the area it will pause the timer, and if he comes back it will resume the timer until he reaches the goal.

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