Virtual worlds question


I have a system that when a player dies he goes to the hospital and spawns there on the bed. The problem is that I made only 4 beds and if let's say 5 or more players die then they would land on each other and it isn't nice. I want something like this:

- When a player dies the script raises some number in the script (for later using) and then it sets him a virtual world.
- Let's say another player dies (and let's say that the number is now 2) the script would the set him virtual world 2...
- Let's say another player dies ... virtual world 3 and so on...

When the healing process would end they would be sent back to virtual world 0 and the Number would decrease by one.

I hope you understand me, and i thank you in advance for you answers

EDIT: Nevermind this, i got it

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