EOS wtf oOOo i dnt use EOS.. Edit please

I created code:

	if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/moxra", true, 6) == 0)
	if(cmdtext[7] == 32 && cmdtext[6] != EOS) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFAFAFAFF, "do not good !!!");
	else if(strcmp(cmdtext[7], "sychka", true) == 0)
	else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFAFAFAFF, "do not good !");
	return true;
Where error this code wrong?
When I write / moxra, Answer: SERVER: Unknomw command.
But when I write, / moxra dsaasdas, / moxra sychka, etc all this good!
I know that the bug is likely in this line:
if(cmdtext[7] == 32 && cmdtext[6] != EOS) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFAFAFAFF, "do not good !!!");
Help Me please...

EOS means End Of String, so if you do
pawn Код:
if(cmdtext[7] == 32 && cmdtext[6] != EOS)
it checks if the 7th character of cmdtext is the end of the string.

Originally Posted by Marcel
EOS means End Of String, so if you do
pawn Код:
if(cmdtext[7] == 32 && cmdtext[6] != EOS)
it checks if the 7th character of cmdtext is the end of the string.
What do you recommend?
what to edit?

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