spawn locations???(plz help)

i need help makeing spawn locations for my server...
if you can show me how i will me very happy

i got no idea how to and nothing helps im a new scripter...

but this is not my cup of tea

plz do not read and not help i got 1 week till the server opens

[sorry for bad spelling, i dont like grama...]

juse use
"AddPlayerClass" this will add a pad who spawns in a place that ypu choose
look here for more infos

if i understand right you need spawn locations for palyer spawns right ?

soo place this:

atm this are my spawns

new Float:gRandomPlayerSpawns[25][3] = {
{2628.8330,2348.0713,10.8203}, // this are coordinates of random spawns
or you can make spawn for each class...

with adding


i hope i helped ...

thank for all the help
i can open my server soon

wher do i put the code u sent me

thanks :]

Originally Posted by Geekzor
if i understand right you need spawn locations for palyer spawns right ?

soo place this:

atm this are my spawns

new Float:gRandomPlayerSpawns[25][3] = {
{2628.8330,2348.0713,10.8203}, // this are coordinates of random spawns
or you can make spawn for each class...

with adding


i hope i helped ...
hello, my brother made this topic and he isnt the only one who needs help, im making the locations!

i have put the obove in but i get this when trying to compile:

C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Server\gamemodes\untitled.p wn(317) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "gRandomPlayerSpawns"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Warning.

any suggestions?

cuz you mudt use it !!

wtf? i dont understabd

sorry if i sound stuipid

ok all this help but how do i add this my bro (wilcock33)
is makeing the gamemode and i make other things(the filterscripts)

and he dose not understand mudt...
plz can sumone help me...

try to put this in your gamemode

public SetPlayerRandomSpawn(playerid)

  new rand;
  rand = random(sizeof(gRandomPlayerSpawns));
  SetPlayerPos(playerid, gRandomPlayerSpawns[rand][0], gRandomPlayerSpawns[rand][1], gRandomPlayerSpawns[rand][2]);

  return 1;

and this on top of your game mode

forward SetPlayerRandomSpawn(playerid);
i think this must be all i learn the Random Spawns from Lvdm gamemode its very helpful ^^

wait thats all lvdm thats all i needed to look at
get gamemode finnished
finish filter scripts
thanks man

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