Virgin Media Suck.

Well, i have been with them for Well, 2-3 years, Since it was Telewest Broadband. Which, well that was hell of alot better.

I used to have 5MB, and they gave me a "Free" Upgrade to 20MB, i was like hey? Cool!

So, i phoned up the number needed to, And had to wait for about 30 mins to get through to someone... And it wasn't even a UK Call center which pissed me off even more, You cant hear them (There really quiet) Bad quality. and well are no help what so ever. Anyway, she asked for my Serial which was on the "New" Modem they seemingly sent me. Well? i aint recieved shit. She dident talk that much after that, But she said the new modem will be with you in 24 Hours. Well, 3 weeks later, and the modem arrived! yay... I set it all up, and phoned the number, again. Put through to the wrong call center again, They said i was in the wrong place, So they transferd me to somewhere, Which was about a 20 Min Wait again, With there shit quality Music, which is mostly depressing music. anyway, It was a UK Call center i was put though too ! It was some Welsh guy, he was helpful, Untill he transferd me to another Place, Which well, wasent a UK call center.

Well anyway after all the shizzle i was put through to someone and they set it up, Well still having my SAME speed for about 3 days, Untilli phoned them back, and after about 3 hours they had it fixed.

Well, here i am now, I have had 20MB for quite a while now, Haveing All the problems under your foreskin, I only recieve 2MB download and 1-2MB upload, Which is WAY under what i pay for, They say its peaktime? What Peaktime all day? never goes down? What Bullshit.

I asked, and they moved me to UK2 or something, which was a server which wasent Used by many Customers. I had the full 20MB download with around 5-10MB Upload. After about 2 months, It has gone to 2MB Download with 0.08MB Upload. Shit huh? Virgin really are overused, and need better servers. Once i phoned up, They blamed it my computer dident have enough "RAM" They make any excuse they can think of.

I'm thinking of moving ISP's as Virgin are Just Shit.

Crap Customer support huh?

Or you're using it too much and they're throttling you.

Originally Posted by /^We(stie|z+[e|a
r)$/ ]
Or you're using it too much and they're throttling you.
Its Unlimited Downloading ETC, i can use it as much as i like. It's not to do with that, The main reason is theer customer support sucks.

Really? I take it you have never heard of a fair usage policy?

Complete epicness with this advert.

[img width=1024 height=578][/img]

Also yes, ALL ISPs have a fair usage policy, unlimited is not "unlimited" it is unlimited until you begin abusing it.

Originally Posted by Jolteon | RD Left
Complete epicness with this advert.

[img width=1024 height=578][/img]

Also yes, ALL ISPs have a fair usage policy, unlimited is not "unlimited" it is unlimited until you begin abusing it.
>.< I barley use it, i dont download HARDLEY anything, i aint been using the Pc much in the past 4-5 months. Cameron has the same problem, So does evreyone in my school who is on virgin. And its not about the speed mainly, its about there support.

I'm going to phone them via skype, and record it.


Originally Posted by Jolteon | RD Left
[img width=1024 height=578][/img]
Oh the irony

Also yes, ALL ISPs have a fair usage policy, unlimited is not "unlimited" it is unlimited until you begin abusing it.

Not all, but if you do want truly unlimited be prepared to pay for it - see here for example. This ISP has specificly stated many times that this package is truly unlimited.

Originally Posted by Westie
Or you're using it too much and they're throttling you.
On their site, they say that you will be throttled to 25%. 0.08mbit upload is appalling and way below 25% of the upload speed of any of their offerings.

Finally someone understands :Ј

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