How does GTA SA MP Dead Reckoning work?

Good evening, hope this is the right place.
Well, GTA SA MP is working with RAKnet. And iam programming with RAKNet in another engine too. I would like to know, how their Dead Reckoning works. I still have problems with sync Characters. If A Developer reads this(or someone else who knows) pls answer if possible . There are no examples for Dead Reckoning in general out there v.v


This isnt a Support forum for Developing other mods, or for tutorials on making one using RakNet.

You need to get the memory addresses for everything and control them by setting/reading their memory addresses. So if player 1 moves to 1.0,4.0 it shows the same guy on player 2's screen at 1.0,4.0.

I have very little knowledge of the structure and mechanics of MP systems, but if i had an idea it would be that.

Sorry for being at the wrong place and i hope nobody is really angry. But i didnt know where to write it.

Well what you said, is what i have to archieve. The probleme is: You cant send datas every frame(so 60 times a second) it would mess up the game/internet connection. So you have to send, wait, send, wait,send and so on. The problems are the "Holes". The time when you dont send the required datas. There you have to use algorythm to interpolate the POSSIBLE behaviour of the character and still keep the character as close as possible to the original position.

And iam not asking for a RAkNet technique. I want to now some techniques in general. A Concept. Since my concept doesnt work really good v.v.


Yeah, this isn't quite the place to ask. But just to make things clear, are you trying to smooth out movement from in between packets, or are you trying to extrapolate the player position based on ping? (Lag compensation).

And yes, you can send a data packet every frame, but it doesn't work out to well, as bandwidth usage would be massive.

Originally Posted by RayW
or are you trying to extrapolate the player position based on ping? (Lag compensation).
This is already done by RakNet.

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