06.07.2009, 17:51
I've a drift script, that i made witch you can invite somebody to a drift.. after he confirm that
you teleport with him to some place and there is a count down
new Count = 6;
why the count down won't work?
you teleport with him to some place and there is a count down
new Count = 6;
forward CountDown(); public CountDown() { new String[256]; for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (Drift[i] == 1) { format(String, 256,"~r~~h~%d",Count); GameTextForPlayer(i,String,1000,6); if (Count > 0) { Count --; CountDown(); } else { format(String, 256,"~g~~h~GO"); GameTextForPlayer(i,String,1000,6); } } } UnFreeze(); Count = 6; } forward UnFreeze(); public UnFreeze() { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (Drift[i] == 1) { TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1); } } Count = 6; }