Timer help...

Hey everyone =)

How do you check how much time that is left of a timer?...

Thank you

Hello, I know this not quite what you looking for, never seen that done before, but you could however use a second timer and do a count down although I'm not sure if it will satisfy your needs.

Sorry for that blank post, it mess up while writing this and post.

pawn Код:
new CountDown = 10;
new CountTimer;
forward CountDownTime();
pawn Код:
public CountDownTime()
   if(Countdown <1)
     CountDown = 10;
     return 1;
     new string[16];
     format(string, sizeof(string), "Count Down:%d", CountDown);
     GameTextForAll(string, 1000, 3);
     CountTimer = SetTimer("CountDownTime", 1000, 0);
   return 1;
sorry if its totally not what you want, i tried

Originally Posted by happyface
That was really helpful. No, it wasn't. Why did you even post that? lol

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