strlen(str[]) doesn't work :/

pawn Код:
new BanInfoIp[16];
if (sscanf(params, "s",BanInfoIp)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "[SERVER]: Naudojimas: \"/baninfo [ip]\"");
        if(strlen(BanInfoIp) >= 16)
            return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[SERVER]: Command too long...");
Why this doesnt work? If i write ~18-19 symbols, thats ok, script shows "command too long", if i write more ~23-25 script just shows SERVER: Unknown command :/ how to fix?

pawn Код:
if (sscanf(params, "s",BanInfoIp)) {
    return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "[SERVER]: Naudojimas: \"/baninfo [ip]\"");
else if(strlen(BanInfoIp) >= 16) {
    return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[SERVER]: Command too long...");

Doesn't work that. More suggests? :/

Do you think the len of BanInfoIP can be longer than it's maximum len / size?
BanInfoIP hat 16 cells,hence the string can't be longer than 16.
That 'Server Unkown Command' show's up because there must be some kind of crash.
pawn Код:
if(strlen( params ) >= 16) {
    return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[SERVER]: Command too long...");
}else if (sscanf(params, "s",BanInfoIp)) {
    return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "[SERVER]: Naudojimas: \"/baninfo [ip]\"");

Originally Posted by Goldkiller
Do you think the len of BanInfoIP can be longer than it's maximum len / size?
BanInfoIP hat 16 cells,hence the string can't be longer than 16.
That 'Server Unkown Command' show's up because there must be some kind of crash.
pawn Код:
if(strlen( params ) >= 16) {
    return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[SERVER]: Command too long...");
}else if (sscanf(params, "s",BanInfoIp)) {
    return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "[SERVER]: Naudojimas: \"/baninfo [ip]\"");
No, i dont think that string can be longer than 16, but if i write more SERVER: Unknown command shows up, as you said it shows up for some kind of crash, oh that crash, totally crashing my server.

This works for command where i need to write something in one string.
But what abbout commands like:
/kick [id] [reason] ?
How to check that [rason] wouldn't be longer than i writed in new Reason[56] ?
Do everything like in /baninfo ? with strlen(params) (knowing that first going ID, not string) ?

If you defined BanInfoIp as max 16 cells, then it will return Unknown Command if the input is over 16 cells.

And then, because it using sql with that string server crash if string is writed more cells than i writed in BanInfoIp[16]...

Oh, nvm.. Waiting answer to this:

But what abbout commands like:
/kick [id] [reason] ?
How to check that [rason] wouldn't be longer than i writed in new Reason[56] ?
Do everything like in /baninfo ? with strlen(params) (knowing that first going ID, not string) ?


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