[Include] [INC] Object Grouping

[INC]Object Grouper
by Thanatos [Ignas1337]
I've been cycling through forums today and came up with an idea. What I have done is an object grouping system which allows all objects to move together with a slight desync on slower cpus as it needs time to cycle through objects and check if they're in a group. Now I'l explain the functions.

This function must be put ongamemode init to reset the group count, as it starts with 1, and the minimum group id is 0, so...

CreateObjectGroup(float, float:y, float:z)
This function here creates a group with coordinates x, y and z. You might wonder why I use group coordinates but I do so because I will need offset for moving the group later.

AddObjectToObjectGroup(object_groupid, objectid)
This function simply assigns an object objectid to group object_groupid

CreateGroupObject(modelid, groupid, float:aX, float:aY, float:aZ, float:arX, float:arY, float:arZ);
The function creates an object already assigned to a groupid. I use the letter a before the floats because in the include the simbols are already defined, so it cannot repeat.

MoveObjectGroup(groupid, float:newX, float:newY, float:newZ, floatpeed);
This function moves all objects that are in groupid with the same offset to group coordinates, although the group coordinates change.

Hope you enjoy!


Nice, I can't wait.
And DestroyGroupObject is a nice idea.

Well, there's no point I do not check if object group is already created, it simply sets the coordinates.

I would like some help with next version of this which should include the function ObjectGroupRotate

Something like this has been made by someone(forgot) before.
Anyway, nice job.

Originally Posted by yezizhu
Something like this has been made by someone(forgot) before.
Anyway, nice job.

hmm, ok wasn't that useful, howerver I didn't have anything else good to do, so.. y_more? :rofl:

so this include allow move many objects together ?

One thing to make yours better is to be able to rotate groups, when thats done I think the outcome will be amazing.

Thank you, but I think I would need help tho.. I ain't that much into geometry/.. what's that name for the geometry in a 3-d space? That would take a whole bunch of time to learn for me ;/

I will try howerver. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Izanagi
Thank you, but I think I would need help tho.. I ain't that much into geometry/.. what's that name for the geometry in a 3-d space? That would take a whole bunch of time to learn for me ;/

I will try howerver. Thank you.
SHll I tell you a nerdy trick, I got my maths teacher to help me with a MOvePlayerAlongAngle function, seriously though, maths teachers are useful, I might ask her again if I feel like standing there for a 20 minute explanation

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