Weird IsPlayerInArea Problem

Well I Have a DM area and I have a timer which does this

pawn Код:
if (!IsPlayerInArea(i, -110.0708, 127.6751, 1447.8772, 1608.9224))//with "!"
The weird thing is that if I AM in that area my weapons get reset.

but when I change it too

pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerInArea(i, -110.0708, 127.6751, 1447.8772, 1608.9224))//no "!"
It does not. The coords are all correct.

sorry, simple coordinate error

the IsPlayerInArea was set up weird: min_x,mas_x,min_y,max_y instead of the min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y

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