14.06.2009, 20:56
Hey, I was just wondering how would i make a admin command so a admin could give a weapon to any play. Something along the lines of /adgw ID (playerid) ID (weaponid)
just wrote it for ya ;)Код:dcmd_giveweapon(playerid,params[]) { new Index, tmp[300], tmp2[300]; tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); tmp = strtok(params,Index); new wpnid = strval(tmp); new pid = strval(tmp2); if(wpnid > 38) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xE60000FF,"Invalid Weapon..."); GivePlayerWeapon(pid,wpnid,1000); new string[256], wname[90]; GetWeaponName(wpnid,wname,90); format(string, sizeof(string), "You Recieved a %s",wname); SendClientMessage(pid,0xE60000FF,string); return 1; }