Include error

i got an error: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "cps"

line: #include <cps>

i donno wats wrong :X

The must be in your pawno/include folder.

Originally Posted by Rafay
The must be in your pawno/include folder.
You must be kiddin'

lol, i already have it, and already re-put'd in teh map

Hi TehNobody,

follow these steps EXACTLY and hopefully it should work.

Originally Posted by [B2K
Hustler ]
A lot of people have these problems with includes, including me.
 fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "includename"
The way I solved this was to:

1) Close Pawno
2) Copy/Move/ or Cut the Include file into the include folder. (\include)
3) Load up Pawno from it's direct source. DO NOT double click on your gamemode/ filterscript file (as most people do).
4) You should see a blank Pawno file open. Now Click on File>Open or type Ctrl+O or press the Open icon.
5) Locate your gamemode/filterscript file and open it.
6) IF you havn't got the include at the top add it
pawn Код:
#include <includename>
7) Compile, it, it Should work.
Hope that Helps.

close pawn, goto your pawn map, open pawno.exe, open your script throught the open function, compile your script, upload your script, play.

I said the same.

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