Giving admins as an rcon

Well my friend has made a new server, however, he is not an admin when he is logged into rcon, how can he give himself/me admin? If it has to do with the server.cfg or files such as that, can you provide description /screen shots?

yes i was logged into rcon, however i still do not have admin, my admin level is 0, and when i do /makeadmin [ID] [level] it doesn't work, says i dont have the authority

There is no admin level in sa-mp. Go ask in the topic of the script you are using.

By admin level i mean like morderator, admin or 1337 admin

Originally Posted by Kolo
By admin level i mean like morderator, admin or 1337 admin
Ask in original script topic.

go into your server folder then scripting files and open your name file(like Tole_Bobac.txt).
and padminlv=0 change to padminlv=1338
i dont know exacly how is it written try it yourself

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