Why dosn't this work?

Sorry for double post, but people stopped to answer... but now i got more info.
This script makes the server to crash, I'm tryint to make /help that shows some text.

Here is the script:

	if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help", true) == 0)
		SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid,"This server is a Gangsta Roleplay server, this isn't a Deathmatch or a Turfwar server.",0);
		SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid,"You saw a hacker, rule breaker, spammer or a deathmatcher? Please report it to a admin.",0);
		SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid,"Text", 0);
		return 1;
And on the bottom of Pawno:

forward SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, const str[], define);
public SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, const str[], define)
	new tmpbuf[256];
	format(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), str, define);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33CCFFAA, tmpbuf);

i suggest to use 128 cells cuz it is max i/o .. see ******'s post for more info..
btw did you test blank gm with this? maybe in other sections of your gm is error

Originally Posted by JoeBullet
i suggest to use 128 cells cuz it is max i/o .. see ******'s post for more info..
btw did you test blank gm with this? maybe in other sections of your gm is error
Dah, it was me that failed, I forgot to put a text between " " xD

Thanks anway

What's whit this line?

This is the error I suppose!


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