race question

when a guy like writes /race it would spawn it to the position ( I did the position ) but how to do to spawn him in a CAR that IS NOT USED BY ANOTHER GUY( imean who is not sitting in it, its empty) can someone write a code or tell me how to do it

/race command:
new Float:Pos[4];
//Your SpawnPostion
new VehiclE = CreateVehicle(vehicletype,Pos[0],Pos[1],Pos[2],Pos[3],-1,-1,respawn_delay);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,VehiclE, 0);


this code won't work it justs puts a player in a vehicle but it doesn't check if its empty... thats the problem :S

Originally Posted by Gamer007
this code won't work it justs puts a player in a vehicle but it doesn't check if its empty... thats the problem :S
the car IS empty because you just spawned it.

well yeah... i'm trying figure out a code that cars are spawned and then when guy is entering a car it would respawn so it would be 100% empty.. but the thing is what about the other guys? example its a 4 men race and they just spawn in not empty cars and throw out the guys who were sitting in it(it enters them randomly to a car right?), i would need somehow a code that reaches a player limit to the race example only 4 allowed to race and others can't get in when the race is full but i don't think thats possible or is it? (the thing is i didn't script few months and i can't combine the commands that good now, so i am asking for help)

In the Race Command:
new PlayerLimitRace;
if(PlayerLimitRace < 5)
// players can race
//set the pos and other stuff
else if(PlayerLimitRace > 4) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"Max Player Limit is 4");
and when the race is finished reset PlayerLimitRace to zero.

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