[HELP] Saving property

hello guys please can you help me with saving property? When owner of pizza leave server i want to he gonna be write to any .txt file and when is owner and is offline he gaining money?

dcmd_buy(playerid, params[])
#pragma unused params
if (IsPlayerInSphere(playerid, 375.7856,-125.9648,1001.4995,15) == 1){
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 20000){
if(pizzalock == 0){
new jmeno[256];
GetPlayerName(playerid, jmeno, 256);
new string[256];
format(string,sizeof(string), "Hrбč %s vбm odkoupil Pizzu!",PlayerName(playerid));
SendClientMessage(pizza,COLOR_RED, string);
new stringi[256];
format(stringi, sizeof(stringi), "Hrбč %s koupil nemovitost Pizza!",PlayerName(playerid));
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, stringi);
pizza = playerid;
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN, "Koupil jsi obchod Pizza!");
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -20000);
} else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Budova je zamknutб!");
} else {
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Mбљ mбlo peněz!");
public nemovitosti(playerid){
new codostane[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
if(pizza <= 100){
codostane[pizza] += 2000;
if(burger <= 100){
codostane[burger] += 2000;
if(tatto <= 100){
codostane[tatto] += 2000;
if(Urban <= 100){
codostane[Urban] += 2000;
if(chuckingbels <= 100){
codostane[chuckingbels] += 2000;
if(barber <= 100){
codostane[barber] += 2000;
if(wang <= 100){
codostane[wang] += 2000;
if(bordel <= 100){
codostane[bordel] += 3500;
if(telocvicna <= 100){
codostane[telocvicna] += 2000;
if(sex <= 100){
codostane[sex] += 2000;
if(konzum <= 100){
codostane[konzum] += 3500;
if(prolaps <= 100){
codostane[prolaps] += 2000;
if(zip <= 100){
codostane[zip] += 2000;
if(mistys <= 100){
codostane[mistys] += 2000;
if(caligula <= 100){
codostane[caligula] += 10000;
if(victim <= 100){
codostane[victim] += 2000;
if(binco <= 100){
codostane[binco] += 2000;
if(emerald <= 100){
codostane[emerald] += 4000;
if(dragons <= 100){
codostane[dragons] += 7500;
if(ranch <= 100){
codostane[ranch] += 4000;
if(visage <= 100){
codostane[visage] += 4000;
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(codostane[i] > 0){
new castkanemovitost = codostane[i];
new string[256];
format(string,sizeof(string), "Dostal jsi %d$ za tvй nemovitosti!",codostane[i]);
GivePlayerMoney(i, castkanemovitost);
please what i must add here to saving owner of pizza property when is offline...?

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