Cant see the server

Hello all I am new here and i have a little problem. I play to CrazyBobs servers from internet cafe beacuse I dont have inernet at my home. I am playing from 2 different internet cafes because Ι do not stay permanently in a region and the problem is tham from the one internet cafe I cant see the CrazyBobs servers and i dont know why? What I must to do?

Sorry for my english.

on the one that does work write down the ip of the server then add it to your favourites at the other cafe

Originally Posted by matty123454
on the one that does work write down the ip of the server then add it to your favourites at the other cafe
dont work. I add them to my favorites but i cant connect

wondering if you ever found it .... i cant connect to it either im in the UK, i have thier IPS but nothing happens

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