17.04.2009, 03:28
i made a race filterscript and when one player enters the point it works correctly but when two players enter at the same time like if theres a passenger in the car it makes the timers go crazy so the question is is it possable to set the playertopoint so that if two players enter at the same time it will only activate once?
Below is my starting point of the race
Below is my starting point of the race
public Exrace2Start () { for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); if (PlayerToPoint(9.0, i, -3159.6648,-804.7092,10.4532)) { print("Exrace2Start"); GameTextForAll("~g~The Race Will Now Be Starting",3000,3); KillTimer(StartCheck); KillTimer (RestartRace); KillTimer (MasterReset); KillTimer(EnableMasterReset5); SetTimer("StartCountDown", 4000, 0); StartInTheLead1 = SetTimer("InTheLead1",200, 1); EnableMasterReset1 = SetTimer("RaceReset",120000 , 0); } } } return 1; }