SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid,angle) bug or.. ?

pawn Код:
van = CreateVehicle(498,-2440.7063,131.8881,34.7436,270.7980,65,47,-1);
SetVehiclePos(van1, Float:carx, Float:cary, Float:carz);
SetVehicleZAngle(van1, Float:carangle);
The problem is, that Float:carangle is 180.xx, but it sets it to 270.xx

Why ?! How is that possible ?

p.s. while writing this i have discovered, that if i change angle at CreateVehicle() to 180, then it works as needed. (like CreateVehicles() angle doesn't want to change..).

What am i doing wrong ?


I think there is a SAMP bug that means SetVehicleZAngle will not work if the vehicle in question has not been used.

yeah, thought that


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