[FilterScript] [FS] Teleport System - [VERSION 2] Create, Use, Share! by Thomas_Conroy

Tele System by Thomas_Conroy


This script allows you to Create, use and share teleports with your friends on the server. Each teleport has its own unique file with a .tele extension that gets stored in your Scriptfiles folder. While on the server admins can use the commands listed below to create teleports for people and vehicles, just vehicles or just people.


/telecmds - Displays a list of the commands shown below
/telemake <telename> <comment> - This command creates a teleport at your current position with the name and comment you supply
/telechange <telename> - This command allows you to add/change a player/vehicle teleport position
/telecomment <telename> <comment> - This allows you to change the comment you defined earlier
/teledelete <telename> - This allows you to delete a previously made teleport
/tele <telename> - This command teleports you to the saved co-ordinates
/telestats <telename> - Displays basic teleport statistics
/telereset <telename> - Resets the teleport stat counts.


Version 1: Pastebin

Version 2 : Pastebin


Version 2:
  • Added support for interiors
  • Added teleport statistics
  • General shortening and tidying of code
  • Correction of spelling mistakes

Version 3 (proposed) I plan to add the following:
  • Support for admin only teleports
  • Teleport all command, to get everyone to a certain location
  • Teleport player command, that teleports the target playerid to a given teleport.


You MUST download DracoBlue's DJson include, as without it you're in for some EPIC FAIL

It can be found Here, or Here. I cannot stress how much fail you will encounter if you do not download it >.>

Feel free to modify the .pwn as you wish (it is include in the ZIP). Please leave the credit in place, as I spent several hours creating this script. More information on using and recompiling is included in the ReadMe.


Thanks to [TF]DChidell for spotting the spelling mistakes
Thanks to Zoidberg, [TF]DChidell and Deixel for being test dummies
Thanks to those who created Sscanf and Dcmd, without which many scripts would not be possible
Thank you to those at sa-mp who made these scripts possible :P
Thank you to the sa-mp community who answered forum questions allowing me to benefit from their knowledge

Please enjoy using this script, and if you wish to praise/criticize me please post. I plan to update the script in the future, so if you have any ideas please post them.

Thank you, Thomas_Conroy
(For those that do not know me, Thomas_Conroy is my sa-mp name.)


Allowing Admins/Non Admins to mess with your teleports!

Depending on your situation, you may want Non-Admins to have teleport making powers, in which case the following tutorial will instruct you! Also, if you use a "foreign" admin script, like Ladmin, gadmin, xadmin.. the list goes on.. you may not want people using your RCON logon!

1.) Load the telesystem.pwn in a PAWN editing client (I use PAWNO)

2.) Locate the stock at the top of the script, that by default looks like this: (It's in the Edit box)

pawn Код:
stock AdminCheck(playerid)
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 1;
    return 0;
3.) To enable anyone to use the teleport commands, change it to:

pawn Код:
stock AdminCheck(playerid)
    #pragma unused playerid
    return 1;
4.) To allow "foreign" admin script admins to use the the admin script commands, you will have to locate the IsPlayerAdmin command specific to that script. In the case of LAdmin, it would look something like:

pawn Код:
#include <IsPlayerLAdmin>
pawn Код:
stock AdminCheck(playerid)
    if(IsPlayerLAdmin(playerid) || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 1;
    return 0;


Changing Message Colour

This is fairly elementary, but i'm sure somebody will be wondering..

1.) Load the telesystem.pwn in a PAWN editing client (I use PAWNO)

2.) Locate the following line:

pawn Код:
3.) Change 0xFF00FFFF to suit your needs. If you're not sure about this, try a colour picking client like the one HERE

This is fu... nice... i gonna use this!

Originally Posted by ultras
This is fu... nice... i gonna use this!
Thanks, enjoy it.. The new version isn't far off >.>

Seems cool, I'm going to try it

Originally Posted by Scorcher
Seems cool, I'm going to try it
Thank you.


Version 2 Uploaded

Version 2:
  • Added support for interiors
  • Added teleport statistics
  • General shortening and tidying of code
  • Correction of spelling mistakes

Looks pretty cool for new people to make teleports, good job!

Brilliant idea!
Nice job you've done here

Originally Posted by CSS''Miokie*
Looks pretty cool for new people to make teleports, good job!
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Brilliant idea!
Nice job you've done here
Thanks, and thanks again, about to add the future changes for Version 3 in the main post, so if you see this, look there!

Great script,thanks dude!

Really works, thx alot man

Sometimes they dont work for a couple of minutes, it says invalite teleport but 2mins later the teles working again

Yeah, nice work ^^

I have now SOS.TELE, I open it with Editor WTF? this in the Script o.O?

{"carnum":0,"comment":"/sos","pedang":267.322509,"pedint":0,"pednum":0,"pe dx":231.837768,"pedy":-1471.876586,"pedz":4526.808593}

i got a bug.. when i create a tele it works for liek 10 times then it says invalid tele.. -.-'


Originally Posted by [Ha
Lommo ]
Sometimes they dont work for a couple of minutes, it says invalite teleport but 2mins later the teles working again
Originally Posted by IanDaCJ
i got a bug.. when i create a tele it works for liek 10 times then it says invalid tele.. -.-'
I get this too =/ I tried to fix it when I released but it happened very inconsistently.. I probably wont be fixing this, sorry.

at least scriping the tele in gm is easy so i dont need any tele generstors :P

i can do the teleport without the "/tele" ? like that:

"/tele make lalik


Originally Posted by VioletRain
i can do the teleport without the "/tele" ? like that:

"/tele make lalik

yes but not with this FS ....

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