SetPlayerCameraPos & SetPlayerCameraLookAt How to use?

Well I want to change my server entrance screen..
I mean the location the player is looking on when he logs into my server

is there any Maker out there something like the Menu Maker?
ohh and how can i get the XYZ of the location?(i don't mean /save i mean the Look XYZ)

Hmm i haven't seen it yet... make it manually...

Ok, how can i Get an XYZ of a location for the PlayerCameraPos & SetPlayerCameraLookAt !?
I have only one idea and its while using a Maverik
#4 this is very useful

Use /save to get XYZ coordinates. Just get the coords on foot or with helicopter ( Using the "First Person View" with helicopter might be good idea to get the most accurate idea of how the actual camera will see, how wide etc.)
Once you got the (raw) coordinates just change them in your gamemode and test them. You probably want to do some manual "fine-tuning" too.


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