need some advise on clone named server

hi guys had guy scripting some bits and bobs and hes gone and stole my server name etc
can anythin be done bout this were do i go from here sick of nobheads doin this crap

Nope, Learn better judgement, Anyways as long as it isnt the same ip then it dosent really matter

so you sayin i can clone peoples server names and its ok??

Originally Posted by billyho
so you sayin i can clone peoples server names and its ok??
If you have permission yes. if not, Tough luck, nothing you really can do.

o thir is il sort it out my self then

Originally Posted by billyho
o thir is il sort it out my self then
There is no legal action you can take.

Get copyright on your script ^ ( I am joking ofc )

hes took it off now i wanted him to script he used my script and clones server but hes taken it down next time ill just pay for scripter well known trusted guy

thats what your best off doing unless you know the person WELL enoth to trust him

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